Jim Murphy’s Selfless Devotion To Scotland
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Very good.
Can I please use a rather uneducated abbreviation of how that cartoon made me feel?
go to Muppet hell Murphy
Excellent, thought I think he’s missing a big fried egg on his lapel – his ‘badge of honour’
True humor, ye cannie beat it.
Brilliant !!! I can’t stand Jim Brain Dead Murphy. Every time he comes on tv, which is far too often these days, I just want to throw up
Beautifully drawn and so funny!
you should have entered the bunny into the NB labour leadership campaign. She would have won as streets ahead of the other three, especially the Smurph.
Look at Murphy`s eyes – the man is quite mad, literally. Next, he`ll be asking us to click our heels and salute him. Unionists have already started that in George Square. Murphy`s Law states that the Scots should have nuclear weapons of mass destruction on Scottish soil and that we should participate in illegal wars, whether we like it or not, In Jim`s case, silent (quiet) waters do not run deep. Jim is not waving, but drowning, just like Scottish Labour. Go back to London Jim, and stay there.
Love it, brilliantly drawn, and spot on observations. Tears in my eyes. I have to admit, I can’t figure out the clothes pegs on Darlings nips.
Ahaa, So they’re clothes pegs. So they are. Huh, I saw them as syringes. Wake up there in the front row.
Maybe its portraying the feelings Darling made us feel during our Indy, because by crikey, everytime he spoke or blinked, to me it was like ice being scraped, nails down blackboards and nipples being twisted…
It all began when he became David Cameron’s gimp: http://gregmoodie.com/david-cameron-paints-it-black/
Yes, thanks for clearing that up for me….
*spews in mouth a little*
Too talented
What do you think, Murphy really thinks, in the dark depth of his soul in the wee sma’ hours?
Is the pretence, the delusional seeking, really kept up 24/7?
Surely, he feels the need to talk to somebody? If it’s McTernan he reaches out to then God help him!
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Reblogged this on My Little Underground and commented:
I came late to discovering the comic genius of Greg Moodie’s political cartoons he’s been doing for the Scottish Independence referendum, and now the general hilarious/sad mess which is Scottish politics in the aftermath of the No vote which sees all on the winning side tear themselves apart, while all on the losing side seem to be going from strength to strength.
If you’re unfamiliar with Moodie’s work I do recommend searching out his website, or indeed buying his book which is superb. It’s worth is as I do feel Moodie is the best political cartoonist we’ve seen in a long, long time.
It’ll also help explain the running gags like the traffic cone, but til why not delve into his work and enjoy for yourselves?
”Sic a parcel o’ rogues in a nation”.
We get what we deserve.
In case you forgot, here’s the lyric. How accurate this was 300 odd years ago.
And the fault is ours and no-one else’s, for our failure to learn from history. We bred the Jim Murphys of our land. Edwin Muir wrote of, ”our dismal Scotland” and as Santayana, Marx and others wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” That’s Scotland’s amnesia – yours and mine, brothers and sisters….
So how about this poem for our national anthem if we ever insist on independence, that is…And instead of wasting eggs, can we sing this loudly and communaly the next time that rogue Murphy speaks on his Harry Lauderesque Irn Bru crate?
Fareweel to a’ our Scottish fame,
Fareweel our ancient glory;
Fareweel ev’n to the Scottish name,
Sae fam’d in martial story.
Now Sark rins over Solway sands,
An’ Tweed rins to the ocean,
To mark where England’s province stands-
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!
What force or guile could not subdue,
Thro’ many warlike ages,
Is wrought now by a coward few,
For hireling traitor’s wages.
The English stell we could disdain,
Secure in valour’s station;
But English gold has been our bane-
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!
O would, or I had seen the day
That Treason thus could sell us,
My auld grey head had lien in clay,
Wi’ Bruce and loyal Wallace!
But pith and power, till my last hour,
I’ll mak this declaration;
We’re bought and sold for English gold-
Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!
Och ye’d be as well getting the Edwin Muir too…think on it……….for those unfamiliar with metaphor, consider all the words of loss, the ice, the frozen political history, the dead Bruce and ‘all the kings before this land was kingless’ and those who ”are content/With their poor frozen life and shallow banishment.”, and then think on dismal Scotland’s predicament today. It’s a’ oor fault – don’t blame *l’Albion Perfide*.
Scotland’s Winter.
Now the ice lays its smooth claws on the sill,
The sun looks from the hill
Helmed in his winter casket,
And sweeps his arctic sword across the sky.
The water at the mill
Sounds more hoarse and dull.
The miller’s daughter walking by
With frozen fingers soldered to her basket
Seems to be knocking
Upon a hundred leagues of floor
With her light heels, and mocking
Percy and Douglas dead,
And Bruce on his burial bed,
Where he lies white as may
With wars and leprosy,
And all the kings before
This land was kingless,
And all the singers before
This land was songless,
This land that with its dead and living waits the Judgement Day.
But they, the powerless dead,
Listening can hear no more
Than a hard tapping on the floor
A little overhead
Of common heels that do not know
Whence they come or where they go
And are content
With their poor frozen life and shallow banishment.
Here’s what an ugly beast we bred, – this from the World Socialist Website
”Jim Murphy, Lamont’s Miliband-approved successor, epitomises Labour’s transformation into a tool of the financial oligarchy.
Murphy is a former president of the National Union of Students. During his reign, student grants were abolished, to be replaced by loans. At the time, according to Debrett’s, Murphy was also director of the Endsleigh Insurance firm, one of whose services is insurance and financial advice to students. Elected as an MP in 2001, Murphy supported the 2003 assault on Iraq and was appointed Scottish Secretary of State by then Prime Minister Gordon Brown in 2008. He is also a member of Labour’s pro-Zionist Friends of Israel group and the Shadow Secretary of State for International Development.
Murphy captured the modern Labour Party’s attitude to the working population when he attended a recent Labour gala dinner in Glasgow’s Grand Central Hotel. A protest food bank collection had been arranged outside the dinner. Murphy’s donation, however, was rejected. A consummate cynic and a darling of the Glasgow media, he commented, “It’s really disappointing that the organisers handed back this bag of food and a family may miss out. Helping to feed the hungry should never be used as political football.”
As that blues song says, ”Nobody loves him but his mother, and she could be jivin’ too”.
From the Huff Post UK
”Murphy is also a supporter of the kind of cuts to public spending that have wrought so much damage to low income communities and the economy overall. During a 2011 interview with the Spectator magazine, for example, the former secretary of state for Scotland said that “the job for all of us now in the shadow cabinet is to work through our portfolios on just where we could make the savings, where would we make the cuts”.
A passion for cutting public spending, regardless of the damage to the economy and in particular the lives of working people and the poor, describes a mistaken understanding of economics as a morality play. For too long the emphasis has been on society serving the needs of the economy rather than an economy which serves the needs of society. Jim Murphy, as we have seen, is an adherent of the former and not the latter. In fact his credibility as a potential leader of the Labour Party in Scotland is largely derived from his willingness to stand on an Irn Bru crate in towns and cities throughout Scotland during the referendum campaign being abused by the general public. But if a talent for enduring public flagellation is the main criteria for the leadership of the party founded by Keir Hardie to address the needs of working people, Jesus Christ would be in the running.”
I hope Murphy gets the leader’s job. He is so detested as a Tory Quisling that his presence will ensure the continued decline of hollowed out, sell-out Labour -and I voted Labour for much of my life. Let’s flagellate Jim! Let’s shove his Irn Bru crate up where the sun don’t shine! Let’s beat him with a copy of the Labour Party Manifesto up and down Buchanan Street, bollock naked, while he is obliged to whistle ‘The Red Flag’.
Here’s another Jim Murphy.
It’s Alan Massie. I don’t mind his disagreement about Scotland’s independence, though he qualifies as a ‘rogue’ in Burns’ sense. No, it’s his rat-like word ”Neverendum”, suggesting how much the calls for independence annoy this Tory hack.
”In 1995, the NUS dropped its opposition to the abolition of the student grant. This was in line with what had become Labour Party policy, but was contrary to the policy that had been agreed at that year’s NUS Conference in Derby. He (Murphy) was subsequently condemned by a House of Commons Early Day Motion, introduced by Ken Livingstone and signed by 17 other Labour MPs, for “intolerant and dictatorial behaviour”.
”In 2011, The Daily Telegraph published documents, compiled by a senior US official at the US Embassy in London and published by WikiLeaks, stating that throughout 2009, Murphy was in charge of organising a coalition of Unionist parties whose aim was to “block an independence referendum” in Scotland. In 2012 Murphy was among a group of MPs named as benefiting from up to £20,000 per year expenses to rent accommodation in London, at the same time as letting out property they owned in the city.On 3 July 2013, Murphy criticised the Unite trade union for “bullying” and “overstepping the mark” for allegedly interfering with the selection of a candidate in Falkirk.A Labour Party investigation later cleared Unite of any wrongdoing. Later that year, Murphy was demoted to the post of Shadow Secretary of State for International Development”
”Jim Murphy was at the centre of an expenses row in 2012 when it emerged he was among 27 MPs who were letting out London homes at the same time as claiming public money to rent in the city. Although the practice did not break rules, it has been characterised as a “loophole” that allows politicians to profit from Commons allowances.[22] Murphy had previously apologised “on behalf of all politicians” for the expenses scandal in 2009”.
Well, well! What a sleazy, dirty, unscrupulous, keechy, singular ‘rogue in a nation”.
cited one of the cartoons and Bella together with a nice documentary that I hope you will all enjoy
sorry – here’s the link – best to all Ben https://eurofree3.wordpress.com/2015/04/11/the-fall-of-labour-in-scotland/