Alastair McIntosh

Alastair McIntosh is a human ecologist, an independent scholar, activist and writer, with particular interests in the human condition, community and spirituality. He is a pioneer of modern land reform in Scotland having helped to bring the Isle of Eigg into community ownership and advising other communities. On the Isle of Harris he negotiated withdrawal of the world’s biggest cement company (Lafarge) from a devastating “superquarry” plan. He guest lectures at military staff colleges, most notably the UK Defence Academy, on nonviolence. His books include Soil and Soul: People versus Corporate Power (Aurum), Hell and High Water: Climate Change, Hope and the Human Condition (Birlinn), Rekindlin g Community (Green Books) and Spiritual Activism: Leadership as Service (Green Books). His most recent major work is Poacher’s Pilgrimage: an Island Journey (Birlinn 2016, due Cascade in USA). He is a fellow of the School of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh and a senior honorary research fellow (professor) at the College of Social Sciences, University of Glasgow. He lives with his wife, Vérène Nicolas, in Govan, Glasgow, where he is a founding trustee of the GalGael Trust.

Follow him at @alastairmci

Articles by Alastair McIntosh

3rd Oct 2009
10th Sep 2009

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