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Ros is a writer, editor and woodland crofter based in Caithness in the far north of Scotland. In 2015 Ros published ‘What’s Up With Ros?’, a memoir describing how she recovered from a period of severe office burn-out by travelling around Europe in a campervan with her husband, Rab. Ros’s diary-style account tells her story with humour and honesty rather than self-pity and is a cautionary tale for anyone prone to stress or working in a toxic office environment. In 2016, Ros and her family transformed their lives by moving to the Highlands to set up a woodland croft. Ros and Rab run a busy firewood business from their croft and are currently building an off-grid croft house. Ros is a champion for woodland crofts and regularly advises would-be woodland crofters on how to start out in crofting. She has written about many subjects, including blogs about mental health medication and how woodland crofting changed her life. Ros recently edited a series of scientific papers on the Scottish Wildcat (AKA the Highland Tiger) for NatureScot.
Twitter: @writer_ros
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