Megrahi Reflections
It will be interesting to see just how desperate the opposition parties are today, and if they want to put the knife into Kenny MacAskill. More sober reflections were worth reading over the weekend. To see which way the wind is blowing its worth noting Alan Cochrane: “For perhaps the first time ever, I find myself on the same side of an argument as Scotland’s Nationalist administration. It is not a comfortable place to be.” More here.
Christine Graham writing in the Independent is clear as a bell: “I am convinced not only that Megrahi was not found guilty “beyond reasonable doubt”, the test in Scot’s law, but that he is an innocent man.” Full article here.
The Scottish Roundup has a spread of reaction.
It’s worth noting Hamish Macdonells change of tone when he’s writing for the Daily (Hate) Mail. First the Scottish Govt reverts to being ‘The Executive”, an entity that no longer exists in law. Then Macdonell asks: “And what of tourism?” as if this should have bene the primary issue confronting Macaskill as he weighed up his ethical dillema. Then poor Hamish gets himsel tied up in knots arguing first “American tourists to these shores are generally well-educated and well-informed on the issues of the day”, before adding perhaps more plausibly: “It is true that most Americans cannot point to Scotland on a map”.