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  1. Morag Lennie says:

    Ah but what about ” narrow nationalism?” Hah ! Fabulous, but my eyes have gone all funny now.

  2. Aucheorn says:

    Wow !

  3. David McCann says:

    Is this the film which preceded Alex Salmond’s address to the media at Edinburgh Castle, and which the BBC decided we should not see in the live broadcast?

  4. Gordie the Fiddler says:

    Fantastic Absolutely Brill

    Well done you creative people, you’ll be busy in the months and years ahead, raises the spirits and warms the soul. Could we get some fiddlers next time round ? ?

  5. Allan Ross MacKenzie says:

    I am a pragmatic Scot living in the Czech Republic.I have never lost or forgotten where I come from. This video makes me feel emancipated and I feel like stating that its great to be a Scot and be able to say I am a free man…….What a ride.!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Abaddon says:

    Reblogged this on The Black Book of Abaddon and commented:
    This is wonderful!

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