Occupy Hinkley C
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Thank goodness it cant happen here at present. On the other hand if we happen to vote in any of the Unionist parties, it could be back to nuclear power with a vengence. Hope everyone passes on the message.
Dear Sir / Madam
Application for a New Nuclear Power Station located at Hinkley Point and Associated Development
Application Reference: EN010001
Please find enclosed a link to the Planning Inspectorate’s letter to all interested parties regarding open floor hearings.
If the link does not automatically take you to the document, please copy and paste it into your browser.
Yours faithfully
Mark Wilson
Principal Case Manager
National Infrastructure Directorate
The Planning Inspectorate
Temple Quay House
Temple Quay
Enquiry Line: 0303 444 5000
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://planningportal.gov.uk/infrastructure