Let’s Kick Ass
I was torn about independence for a long time, but what finally swayed me was the blank piece of paper it offers us as a nation. As a writer, nothing excites me more than a blank page because the potential is enormous. It’s limitless. Every new sheet of paper could essentially be the biggest moment of our careers and starting a country from scratch has that same almost unquantifiable excitement.
Think about what we’re being offered here. Think how long it will be before we get another chance. We owe it to our past and we owe it to our futures. This is how Americans must have felt in 1776, but imagine how different their country would be were they still wedded to an ancient and defunct monarchy. Scotland has had a wildly disproportionate impact on the world and we see this today in every industry on the global stage. That said, we’re not without our problems at home and there’s many aspects of the country that need a radical shake-up. Independence would give us a chance to start from scratch and force us to see ourselves – not as the northern region of an out of touch Britain – but an incredible force in our own right. Year Zero is coming up and should give us all a chance to do better .”
The piece of paper that is more important than a blank sheet is the one in the ballot box which affirms a YES vote for independence.
As you say, the potential for independence is enormous. Whatever is written on the blank sheet will not be as dictated by an out of touch westminster government.
I agree with you entirely but unfortunately the blank page scares too many of us – so far…
No Shetland on this map! why?
Well said!
First thing that struck me too. Get a better graphic. And not one with a demeaning wee box in the corner either. (And by the way, I’ve never in my life been further north than Dingwall, and I live in the Borders.)
Independence for Shetland! We want our own piece of blank paper too!
I desperaitly want and hope for Indapendence like all scots should. But there is still so much I dont know. With the rest of europe seemingly falling apart is this the best time? and if not, then when will we have this chance again? God forbid we should loose indapendence for another life time.
“With the rest of europe seemingly falling apart is this the best time?”
If everything is falling apart at the moment , then in the words of Mr Spock, from Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan.
“Sauce for the goose, Mr Savik! The odds will be even.” 🙂
The great thing about a blank sheet? You get to write your own story and just for a change we’re being offered the chance to pick the theme. In my living memory that hasn’t happened. Sure every five years we get join in the national lottery of who sits in the big boys benches in Westminster, but deciding on the national politics of your country? Its future direction and powers? Not in three hundred years.
A chance like this won’t come about in our lifetime or indeed our generation again. In fact I doubt it would come about for many generations. So this is it, its down to us. What kind of country do we want and who do we trust more to deliver it Holyrood or Westminster?
Back under dy ston in GCHQ ‘Marcus’.
An get da bloody map fixed ffs
I am 35 yrs old and have waited a lifetime for this opportunity, though you are right, we do have our own problems to fix, I just pray that the SNP do not act like every other government in this larger country we are currently part of, and instead stand up and push this beautiful wee country of ours to where it belongs!!! We are a nation of bright minds and clever people, make our young love and believe in themselves, teach them to use their bright young minds to better not only themselves, but their loved ones and the people that they come into contact with, the young are our future, Scotland is our home and it is one of the most respected and loved countries on the planet. We are in every pillar of society and every corner of the globe, and welcomed anywhere we may be. That is something to be proud of!!!