For A’ That – Episode 3 – Dissonative Cognizance
Slightly later on a Sunday than usual here’s the 3rd episode of the For A’ That podcast where The Peat Worrier and myself (Michael Greenwell) go more international than usual as we talk about the US election, a little, but also relating to how people on this side of the Atlantic tend to see these affairs.
We also talk about the resurrection of Gordon Brown and Alasdair Darling. “Jam tomorrow” is also discussed, as well as why the ‘No’ campaign insist on bringing up Spain all the time.
Something of a running theme in the episode is the idea of cognitive dissonance, which is why I have written that title.
I hope you enjoy it, I think it was a rather interesting episode, no I don’t, yes I do, no I don’t. Oh damn, this dissonance thing is troubling.
You can download directly as mp3 here (right click and save as)
Or you can go to the page and listen online.
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For a passionately angry take on “lesser evilism” look at this article by American writer Chris Floyd:
Chomsky made a good point: if the Nuremberg rules were applied, every American president since WWII would have been found guilty of war crimes and hanged. The sobering outcome of all the razzmatazz and squandering of billions of dollars (and that’s just in the US – we should add all the TV, radio and other media coverage around the world) is that another war criminal and stooge of the corporatocracy is in the White House and the mass murders will continue.