For A That 15 – Good Grades
For the 15th episode of the For A’ That podcast Andrew and I spoke with Kate Higgins of Burdz Eye View fame.
We had a quick natter about the AAA rating story and why it may be more interesting in a political rather than economic sense.
The recent mock referendum at the University of Glasgow was a subject of discussion as were land reform and the recent case about shooting rights that came up at First Minister’s Questions this week.
Finally, we got on to the possible changes to the trial by jury laws.
As usual, this is the direct download link (right click and “save as”)
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I never gave the Student “Referendum” much credence,for a couple of reasons,one how many of the “voters” are actually going to vote in the 2014 Referendum? and how many voted the opposite to what they really thought just for fun?How many voted hoping to give the YES campaign a wake-up call? and was it really that important? to my mind not so important,as to take up so much “newspaper” columns.