For A’ That 27 – The Old Man And Hoy
For this week’s episode of For A’ That Andrew and I were joined by Robin McAlpine of the Reid Foundation.
Up for discussion were the accusations of abuse being aimed at Chris Hoy. What constitutes verbal abuse and what constitutes mere disagreement? Does everyone need to calm down a bit or are there certain people that seem to be stoking these fires a little more than others?
Is corporation tax and its possible reduction one of your priorities in an Independent Scotland? Would you like to see it or do you think it’d be a bad idea? Actually, do the SNP even think it is a good idea? Robin had some interesting ideas on that.
Is English nationalism so bad? Why shouldn’t the English be allowed to rediscover themselves?
Finally, Nigel Fauxrage is going to be back in town. Will/should he get the same reaction as before?
Hope you enjoy…
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P.S. In case you missed there was a Scottish Independence Podcast this week as well with the National Convenor of the Scottish Socialist Party, Colin Fox. You can get that one here.
That link won’t work, had to update it, sorry.
You can get it here…