Shocking Rise in Inequality
A new film from the High Pay centre shows the shocking rise of inequality in Britain:
“Inequality has been rising rapidly in Britain for the past 30 years. The gap between rich and poor has widened and the share of income going to the top 1% has doubled (from 6% to 14%). If the growth in inequality continues at its current rate, we are heading towards Victorian extremes in the next 20 years.”
A CEO takes home more in three days than one of his employees can earn in a whole year.
and this is a real insight into people’s perception …
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You would think a MSM journalist would ask unionists, every time they come out with the pooling and sharing of resources/ redistribution of wealth schtick, what is good about wealth being redistributed from the poor, and the less well off to the uber rich? This is what has happened for around 30 years. It is getting increasingly worse. Yet the No campaign do not have to answer questions about this from the mainstream media.
The problem with the MSM is what we see is what is assumed to be reality ( ie the conventional appearance of the contemporary moment) & so it’s somehow assumed to be as good as it gets- so to hope for more than what it is now is to be a sentimental fantasist or a naive romantic: the hard realists of the ‘No Thanks’ persuasion work with what we’ve got & what we’ve got is all there is & all there ever will be. The British way is the only way, the best way- Britain knows best don’t you know. Forget about illusions of change- that is just unbecoming, unheard of, & very un-British.