Late Call – Editors Blog 6
There was no Editors Blog last night. I got home from the Festival of the Common Weal in Glasgow just after 10pm and collapsed into bed, totally knackered. But it was worth the trip. I wasn’t there for the whole thing but you could tell from the vibe that folk were enjoying themselves at the Arches yesterday.
In this short video (filmed and edited by my Summerhall colleagues at Summerhall TV*), Robin McAlpine reflects on the Festival and reckons around 7-800 people took part in the eclectic programme of political debate, music, poetry, comedy and art. No bad for an event only announced 2 weeks ago!
Kudos to everyone involved.
*If you aren’t familiar with Summerhall TV check out their TV channel here. Over the last few years their archives have developed into a unique treasure trove of artistic, cultural and political happenings. Many of the shows I co-organise at Neu! Reekie! have been filmed by Summerhall TV. Here’s a link to just one of them: a performance and interview with our wonderful Makar, Liz Lochhead.
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