Indy Poster Winners

We are delighted to announce that Ciaran Murphy is the winner of our national poster competition. He wins £1000 and we will be distributing 10,000 copies of his poster throughout the country.

His image is a vibrant call to action that subverts gender stereotypes and resonates with the creativity of the whole movement. Our competition was filled with fabulous images – and we hope you share them all widely.

Ciaran Murphy is 26, grew up in Stirling and studied in Dundee. He said: “I wanted to go with just one figure, a play on Scotland the brave and from there thought of doing a defiant, strong girl in full pipers uniform to imply modernity and positive progress.”

Our second prize went to Rosie Balyuzi with her heart-warming and grin-inducing ‘Big Yes Now’. It will be the centre-spread of the next Closer magazine.

In third place was the clever ‘Vote Yes for a that’ from Fraser Croall, that we will make available as a card.

The competition was filled with amazing images and all are available to share and download. Thanks to everyone for taking part.



yes MOUNTAIN copy


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  1. MBC says:

    Fabulous! Well done all! And many congratulations to Ciaran.

  2. All good well done to all the entrants,and well done for picking a winner.

  3. Yes, congratulations to Ciaran! A really good image. Looking forward to spotting them appearing up in interesting locations over the next week!

  4. Optimistic Till I Die says:

    I love this poster and can see that it will appeal to younger voters but I wonder how it will go down with pensioners, that other demographic based on age crucial to winning a YES vote. As one of them I didn’t include it in my favoured few but recognise that, if one is to produce effective teaching/learning/persuasive material, one has to find out what appeals to your audience, in this case voters.

    I think this is a winner for the younger generation and only hope the wind blaws cauld and the sleet flies horizontal to keep elderly No voters in bed on the 18th. Too many of them have views unduly influenced by tradition and a ‘political’ education revolving around an empire on which the sun never set. The No campaign, of course, has done nothing to update their mindset – witness the nonsense spouted by Archie Macpherson a few days ago.

    But if the weather doesn’t get their arthritis I hope those in my age group have enough nous to look at the poster and appreciate what it represents, rather than just a braw girl in a piper’s uniform. It is the future, something that crossed my mind when I viewed the opening ceremony for the Commonwealth games.

    I remembered telling a friend of mine years ago, probably the eighties, ‘that Scotland and its citizens will have come of age when wearing a kilt, bovver boots and a leather jacket wouldn’t turn anyone’s head’. If I had enough foresight I would have said ‘when a female could wear a kilt and a leather jacket in public without anyone ranting about how unbecoming it was.’ And then there was John Barrowman’s kiss. Pity he’s a No.

    1. MBC says:

      As an older voter this appeals strongly to me and was my favourite but maybe I am just young at heart? I don’t think we’ve all got one foot in the grave and I think this image transcends generations and speaks powerfully of the volksgeist of the moment.

      I think the mistake BT makes is to constantly appeal to cliches and moulds when in fact what is happening is that we are breaking free of all the moulds.

      I like its brightness, its subversion of stereotypes, its combination of vulnerability and audacity, and of the triumph of hope over fear. I like the compassion and gentleness in her face, her openness, her quiet beauty, strength and dignity. She looks like a very principled person. I don’t see the kilted highlander so much as how we have moved on from that. This is what it says to me. It’s the powerful face of the girl. She reminds me of Chris Guthrie in Sunset Song.

  5. Neil McRae says:

    Anyone else feel this poster is a bit kilts ‘n’ haggis?
    Like the strapline Scotland be brave though.

    1. MBC says:

      No, it subverts those cliches, that’s the point. I have always felt that the suppression of the female, the anima rather than the animus, is what holds us back in Scotland, and that if the anima is liberated then so are we.

      1. rosie says:

        🙂 i like that response and feel it is a part of the equation

  6. kbhresq says:

    Clever inclusion of the Labour red/gold colour scheme. But still appallingly atavistic in the appeal to bravery and tartanry.

    1. bellacaledonia says:

      It’s a clever subversion of kitsch. Get with the programme.

      1. kbhresq says:

        So BC’s lassie vies with BT’s lady as a sardonic female token?

  7. fehvepehs says:

    Eh didna envy the judges hae’n ti pick a winner oot a the excellent entries, however eh love this ane. Well done Ciaran and also ti a the rest wha took the time an effort to be a pert o history. Eh will be sixty nixt year so obviously art transcends generations. Scotland his a’ways hud strong wimmin and the confidence and optimism that bursts oot fae this poster lassie is inspiring. Looking forward ti seein her a ower the place.

  8. What a great competion and a big thank you to all involved for making it happen as a builder a feel well cultural after it and it has broadened our art knowlage to via the comments it would be great after a yes victory if we could have a thank u Scotland poster competion that would be great !

  9. David says:

    Its nice to see Amy pond representing Scotland, I didn’t know she was Scottish

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