We Are Rising

Throughout the last year new leaders have emerged everywhere. Here’s one of them.

This is a remarkable inspirational speech by Loki. 


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  1. mary vasey says:

    You’ve got to love this guy, telling it as it is

  2. Seriously impressed with this young guy. That was a hell of a speech.
    I might be 50, but it still hit the spot and I do have massive sympathies with the young folk of Scotland and elsewhere in the Neoliberal West. Their current prospects, especially in the English speaking parts just is not good enough. On Thursday, a window of opportunity exists to knock the first domino over.
    For God’s sake, take it with both hands!

  3. Cal says:

    Sorry O/T but VERY VERY important. Many voters have not received their polling cards and probably won’t in time for the referendum. Many are saying people in places where Yes support is strong are wost hit by this scam. Please spread the word that YOU DO NOT NEED A POLLING CARD TO VOTE.

  4. wanvote says:

    Agree with every word, even the technical terms. Keep talking, Loki, folk are listening as never before.

  5. tammcgarvey says:

    One of the best speeches so far in this whole debate. I got the same tingle I got when I used to hear the likes of Jimmy Ried or Tony Benn back in the day. I attended the last event of the Margo Mobile in Arden last night, it was very emotional and powerful and I cant believe what my eyes and ears are witnessing in the present time. The challenge, as you point out, is to keep this amazing energy fired up and running after the vote- either way..
    What you say covers in equal measure the micro and macro issues which are undeniably interconnected. The worlds of the pshycopathic, sociopathic neo-liberal billionairre and the world of young ASDA shelf packer are inextricably linked in a culture of greed and lies on one hand and diminishing opportunity and obscurity on the other.
    You are right, we have all been diminished to commodity status- they have no regard for ordinary people other than as economic pawns. Their greed, arrogance and disregard for life in all its forms will be their undoing. To hell with the currency.
    Love the bit about having the courage to jump into uncertainty as I know you personally and that you have faced the abyss and have come through the other side to deliver such passionate wisdom.
    As I drove through Barrhead today I spotted the BBC’s Andrew Neil and Labour’s Jim Murphy interviewing shoppers and wondered what the response was to their questions and ultimately how it would be edited by the BBC to drive the last couple of days of this amazing debate.
    And respect to all the people on both sides for making Scotland come alive.

    We are nearly there. Whatever happens there will be uncertainty. A YES vote will bring uncertainty but with power, thats the difference. Then at least we will have power to deliver all the things we have been for long years fighting to achieve- thats if we dont let the usual suspects and methodologies fill the vacuum and take us back to square one.
    Gaun yersel ya big mad ginger prophet.

    Want a laugh? The House of Lords are no too sure of big Gordons brown envelope full of reheated soup.

  6. arthur thomson says:

    Loki is a poet, an artist, a brain of the highest calibre and a person with real humanity. He has to be the best orator I have ever heard. The way his thoughts knit together to provide a coherent picture is amazing. I have yet to hear him say anything that I disagree with. And I imagine I must have lived twice as many years as he has. Brilliant.

  7. John Tracey says:

    Well done, young man.
    I taught young people for nearly 40 years and have always had faith in them.
    Young people are not our future, they are part of our present.
    Listen to this song from 1975.

    “Rise people. Rise and Shine!”
    Spread the word!

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