Thank You


Thanks to all Bella readers and supporters, we’re creating an acknowledgement page but in the meantime THANK YOU ALL for your generosity and support.

This movement isn’t going anywhere and is just about to have a much stronger and clearer voice and platform for everybody to share.

We’re looking at having a big readers-and-writers open forum before Christmas to get feedback and input from as many of you as possible, and wanting to make this a regular event. Details soon.

We’re doing some background development work in the next few days so we won’t be posting much, but we’ll be back soon with lots of new stuff.

Comments will be off till then, sorry.

If you are buying a Songs for Scotland album the download code will be delayed till Monday 20th.

If you want to support us go HERE and make a donation – no amount too large or small. 

You can donate any amount and if you click on the PayPal button you can just tick the box saying make this recurring monthly. 

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  1. Marian says:

    Here’s looking forward to the all new Bella that I’m sure won’t disappoint!

  2. 😀

    And while I’m here… got this from a 45 Facebook group today – brilliant objective look at Scottish independence.

  3. ronald alexander mcdonald says:

    Thank you Mike & co for keeping the light on (on a grander scale) which is imperative after the result,

  4. Calum Graham says:

    Where are the yes Creatives? What would a YES /DEVO MAX / POSS -SCOT POSITIVE soap look like? Is is possilbe? There will be plenty of Brit tales on the MSM. See

  5. Maybe its the latent pedant within a semi-retired journalist, who still writes, but, no longer sub-edits on a paper. Might I suggest somebody on Bella has a re-think about the phrase above: This movement isn’t going anywhere” – of course this movement is going somewhere – towards Independence.

  6. paulcarline says:

    Across Europe there’s a massive wave of opposition to the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) negotiations. Various contributors have mentioned it on Bella. The campaign organisation 38 Degrees is one of the UK-based organisations collecting signatures.

    An unofficial ECI (European Citizens’ Initiative) has been launched by an alliance of 260+ civil society organisations in Europe – after the official ECI was rejected on tenuous legal grounds by the European Commission. The initiative is being coordinated by the biggest pro-democracy organisation in Europe – the German “More Democracy” foundation (

    Earlier this week I discovered another potentially very effective means of opposing the totally undemocratic and potentially disastrous trade talks. The European Ombudsman’s office (which accepts complaints about lack of transparency and accountability in the EU institutions) has launched its own Public Consultation on TTIP. Any EU citizen can make a personal complaint. The webpage for complaints in English is at:

    I encourage everyone to use this extra possibility of stopping TTIP in its tracks.

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