Yes Catalunya
Show your solidarity with Catalonia by leaving a comment below our Open letter:
“In Scotland we recently came to the end of a long and unprecedented democratic process about the future of our society. Even though the referendum did not result in a majority vote for independence, and the Yes vote lost, the process itself was an overwhelming victory for participation in politics.
It may seem that, for the people of Catalunya, still denied the opportunity to express self-determination in a legally binding vote, Scotland’s experienced a wasted opportunity. While this feeling is strong among the 1.6 million people who voted Yes, this regret is obscured by a continued engagement in Scottish politics, which seems destined to change our nation for the better, despite the recent endorsement of Westminster rule by the Scottish electorate.
Our experience was one of learning, about ourselves, and few people in Scotland now dispute the validity of the referendum campaign. Such an exercise is one that any nation should treat with respect and dignity for its own sake. After Catalunya votes on Sunday 9 November, a measure of clarity will emerge and, just as for Scotland, a significant amount of uncertainty will remain whatever the result.
The patience that is required of any people to see power returned to them is vast and the process is often painful. Yet resilience is also the greatest strength of any movement: for independence, as a goal, is more than just a destination, it is an idea that once ignited in the minds of a society cannot be erased.
For many of us, voting Yes was an act of empowerment, of confidence and collective imagination. Though we would have hoped to inspire other nations to achieve independence through our own example, our task is now to encourage the kind of participation that we saw in our referendum campaign. Such engagement can stand up to the strongest of states and grab the attention of the most distant politicians.
Perhaps the most important point we must remember is how different our histories have been. That is the true cause of self-determination and democratic renewal everywhere: to respect, empower and understand that which is distinct. This is why to vote for independence, even as an abstract idea that cannot yet be realised, is a great privilege for any country.
With this in mind, the undersigned pro-independence activists express our hope that Catalunya will vote Yes to both questions on Sunday 9 November 2014.”
Yours in Solidarity
Christopher Silver
Mike Small
Michael Gray
Hamish Gibson
Ross Colquhoun
Miriam Brett
Jonathon Shafi
David Aitchison
Peter Arnott
Good luck today Catalunya whatever happens we are with you in spirit and resolve to keep the process of Independence vibrant and meaningful
Vote Yes Catalunya.The first step on the journey!!
Hope Yes wins today thinking of you all xx
Good luck Catalunya…I hope your time is now and I hope you can be braver in this moment than we were in ours. We are with you in spirit. Si Si!
My thoughts are with you today. Vote YES, YES as a first step to freedom.
The very Best of Luck Catalonia we are behind you, although we did take a wee stumble along the way.
Visca Catalunya! Saor Alba!
Thinking of you today my brothers and sisters in Catalonia.
“Catalunya” is the Catalan spelling. “Catalonia” is the Spanish spelling.
The Spanish spelling is Cataluna with the ‘n’ being the enye which doesn’t exist in English and which I can’t find on my computer.
My mistake. I need to read more carefully in future. I guess “Catalonia” must be the Anglicised spelling. Thanks for putting me right.
All good wishes for your political journey be with you today. With love from Scotland. xx
Go for it an let your hope triumph over fear!
I fully support the Catalan people’s quest for Independence. I hope they get it, one day soon.
All our support for your ongoing struggle towards democracy. Scotland will get there soon but, for now, we look to Catalunya as a bright beacon of light in the ‘establishment’ night.
Best wishes on your momentous day.
Seize the hour and seize the day
Grab it with both hands! Good Luck! x
The very best of luck to them.
Bona Sort! molta Sort! Gracies #9N2014#SiSi
Wishing you all, the peoples of Catalunya, the best in your journey to independence.
“While this feeling is strong among the 1.6 million people who voted Yes, this regret is obscured by a continued engagement in Scottish politics, which seems destined to change our nation for the better, despite the recent endorsement of Westminster rule by the Scottish electorate.”
Which is why a gradual approach may work out best for both our nations, and why certain setbacks may be blessings in disguise. A 5-10 year process of intense political engagement makes a greater dent in a nation’s psyche than a two-year process.
To our brothers and sisters in Catalunya, and the Basques responsible for those superb human flag mosaics:
Onwards, brothers and sisters. Keep those beacons lit, and may this awakening spread across the Continent.
Sean, Catalonia can’t wait. It is currently being assimilated back into a voracious Spanish state. The situation of Scotland is different.
I deeply and desperately hope that Catalunya will take the step that Scotland did not. Vote YES to independence Catalonia! Do it for the 45% of Scots who are the same as you. Do it for our future as well as your own. The very best of luck to you – today and always.
Independència de Catalunya i Alba!!!
Thank you all! We’re voting. We’re winning. People have the power.
It’s time. It’s coming yet for a that. In solidarity with Catalunya.
Si Si!
You are much braver than us we only had to endure propaganda to vote you however are being threatened by military force.Yes for Catalunya.
Catalunya- more than a region!
Looking forward to a YES result for Catalonia. The Independence process here in Scotland was far from democratic with a media and westminster led campaign of lies and deception to secure a no vote. Next time Scotland will gain her Independence, it is the will of the people, I believe the will of the people will do it for Catalonia!
Good luck Catalonia, democracy in action.
Our friends in Catalonia who supported us during our campaign, we,in turn, support you. Do what we didn’t manage to do this time and keep the hope of self determination alive for all of us.
Catalunya can only win, today or tomorrow: Independence will be fought for and arrive
Hope you get the YES vote and start to become a free nation.
I fully support the right of people to self determination Go Catalonia
Look forward to coming for a holiday to your Independent Catalonia……here’s to you all good luck….we wus robbed….xxx
I stand side by side with my brothers and sisters in Catalonia. One day we will win our independence and the true winner will be democracy.
Catalonia is not Spain! It will be independent.
Go Catalunya
Do not lose heart because of our recent referendum defeat. That was just another battle on the way to regaining our independence. ‘Time is our friend’, and Catalonians & Caledonians will achieve their aims. Keep on pushing and prodding. Oh, and have a great day. Love and best wishes from Scotland.
Jim Graham
We are willing you on to vote yes and good luck Catalunya!
Best wishes to our Catalonian brothers and sisters in your courageous fight for Independence, Saor Alba, Saor Catalunya.
The patience that is required of any people to see power returned to them is vast and the process is often painful. Yet resilience is also the greatest strength of any movement:
I wish I could write like that.
Power to the people of Catalonia
Escocia contigo
Do it !!!
Love Catalonia and it’s people. You can do it!
Very best wishes today, Catalunya!
When I was helping at one of the Yes shops in Edinburgh before the Scottish referendum on the 19th September I was pleased to find our efforts were supported by a contingent of Catalonians who were visiting Edinburgh. I hope that I and other Scots will be able to give you support when a legally binding referendum becomes possible. In the meantime I wish you well with your current activities and hope your non-binding referendum produces strong support for your cause.
Total respect to all the brave Catalans. Heart warming to see you all standing together for your cause. Best of luck going forward.
Catalunya be brave.
Catalunya’s future in Catalunya’s hands! Sending love and best wishes from Scotland.
I am with Catalunya in spirit,wishing you as many Si as needed and then some more just because you can.
Good luck Catalonia, make it a Yes and inspire Scotland for our next Referendum, which is coming soon.
Go for it Catalonia
We’re with you Catalunya. Good luck for today!
No government can stand against a people’s will no matter how many pieces of paper they write and how many judges say no. Stand tall, be strong, you will win in the end as will we.
A’ the best.
Wishing you success in your bid for independence. Stay positive.
Take your freedom Catalonia, your passion will carry you through, Si Si.
Good luck Catalunya, Scotland is watching and willing a yes vote for you .
I wish you all the success in the world in your quest for independence!
The process here in Scotland was flawed as the Westminster government facilitated for all the corruption well as the tools necessary to ensure that Scotland remained within the UK.
Keep focussed and remember tomorrow is another day and if the vote does is not for independence, remember that it is not those who voted ‘no’ that have betrayed you but the government that believes in ‘democracy’!!
Take your freedom Catalonia, your passion will carry you to independence, we applaud you’re spirit.Si Si Si !
Please find the courage the Scottish people lacked. Bisca Catalunya!
Good luck catalona, I hope u achieve your independence quicker the scots.
Thanks for being there!!!
I wish Catalalonia all the best, I hope you have a long and prosperous future. Embrace the wonderful opportunity that Independence offers, choose hope over fear.
Go for amigos
Good luck Catalonia in your vote! Hope over fear! remember whatever the outcome, this is another step towards independence. Yes voters in Scotland are with you!
I don’t know your history or your politics but I recognise your strength of spirit. Be strong, be brave, be free.
Come on, Catalonia, show us how it’s done.
Rise up and claim the independence you deserve. This is your time. We are with you.
I’m behind you 100%, Catalunya. Even if you don’t achieve your goal, you’ll know you did what’s best for your country. Independence will come, sooner or later (it’s inevitable); but it’s important to retain your self-respect while you work for it. Do that by voting SiSi.
Yours in solidarity! Hope over Fear!
I hope that the vote is clear and a mandate which can be used as the basis of negotiating the wants and needs to set up a Catalonian state. Let’s hope that the Scots and the Catalans can soon enjoy independence and work together along with other similar independence seeking nations and regions.
Hope over fear Catalonia. Be brave today and vote for a better future.
Catalonia, feeling love in my heart for you today. Your spirit is inspiring. I hope you will find independence and heartfelt thanks for the support you gave to Scotland xxx
I wish the people of Catalonia all the best on this historic day.
I support their nation taking complete control over their own destiny with a resounding ‘Yes’ vote for independence.
People of Catalunia, show your government your craving for independence! Vote yes!
The Nationalist/Republican people of Ireland support the people of Catalunya.
Vote with your heart.
First they ignore you,
then they laugh at you,
then they come to fight you,
then you win.
Mahatma Gandhi
This is the first stepping stone to Independence Catalunya.
You will get there soon together with Scotland.
Many thanks for your support and the cool beach flags.
Vote Yes!
The flame will always burn within. It cannot be extinguished, only fed. Viva Catalunya
We support you wholeheartedly & thank you for your wholehearted support of ourselves..rooting for you
“Yes” to Catalunya having a democratic vote on its future, whatever the outcome.
May your dedication, enthusiasm and positivity bring peace and the result you seek. You inspire us. Kind regards and best wishes.
Real democracy is a journey and solidarity is hope – both came from the Scottish referendum. Go Catalunya
Self determination is a human right. How can anyone not support the vote in Catalunya?
You can bet your last dollar that western governments will refuse to support the vote in Catalunya, because it “lacks a democratic mandate”, or something along those lines, but they insist on self-determination for Third World countries, as long as the new regimes favour the West, and can supply minerals and other resources that Western industry needs.
Good luck Catalunya, go do what Scotland failed to do. Take this opportunity and make it work.
Never be afraid to say yes to a better future. Wishing you a great result, Catalonia.
Gor for independence Catalonia, let your hearts and heads rule and do not, repeat do not let the Spanish government scare or bully you from securing your goal!
Best wishes from Scotland!
Duncan McCormack
Don’t allow yourselves to be bullied, belittled and intimidated into rejecting the chance to control your destiny.
In Scotland there are so many already regretting voting ‘No’ – closing off the chance of a far brighter future that could have been shaped for ourselves by ourselves.
Vote YES, hold your nerve and let the Spanish politicians and world political community know the strength of your resolve through the exercise of your political will.
Kevin Robertson
DO what the fools in Scotland refused to do vote YES X
Stay strong! Sending all good wishes for you to get your Independence, and thank you for your wonderful support
Good Luck Catalunya!!!….
We, your brothers in Scotland, are totally with you in solidarity. Vote with hope against fear. Your time will come, as will ours. Viva Catalunya.
Good luck with your vote. Freedom!
Everything I think of saying just sounds stupid and patronising. I just want your people to get out and vote. Make a great public show of your intentions and Madrid will feel their guts sink. Make them go cold with shock. They know it matter not a bean what they say they permit when everyone in Europe knows its the will of the population that matters. The Right of Self Determination is Inviolate.
All the best today and we should keep in touch along that road to freedom!!
‘Westminster rule” is a Nasty Nationalist term intended to deny the fact that Scotland participates fully in the running of the United Kingdom by sending MPs to the Westminster Parliament. Every Scot gets one vote in exactly the same way as every person from Cardiff, Newcastle and Brighton.
Our Nationalists lack the maturity to share sovereignty (joint decision making) with our neighbours in the rest of the UK. They have convinced themselves and try to convince others that we are different from our neighbours and that our neighbours can’t be trusted.
Nationalism is an easy concept to sell especially in difficult times – “everything that is wrong is caused by our neighbours”. Nationalism, however, does not offer an answers to the problems that we face in this modern world. We need to work with out neighbours.
Yes, it is best that government is brought close to people wherever possible, but many problems require commitment to co-operation and there is no greater commitment than sharing of sovereignty.
My message to the people of Catalunya is to strip out the empty politics of Nationalism from the debate and look at what is left – including common concerns for health, education, freedom, security and the reduction in poverty. People round the world have the same concerns in life – lets work together to dismantle borders, lets not build new or existing borders higher.
Westminster rule is just nasty.
No voters are miserable creatures.
Best of luck in taking this first step towards taking full political control of your future and your childrens future.
May your momentum towards a fairer independent Catalonia move forward with this vote more than you can imagine. If anything the narrow No result has boosted the desire for Independence from England and it won’t be long in coming !!!!
My heart is with you brothers and sisters of Catalunya as you vote today to set your country free.
You know it makes sense Catalunya. Si Si!
Vote Yes to Independence !!. giving power over your country to a small group of people only creates greed and corruption. . That’s why they don’t want to give it back.
Sending you all the best today!
Llibertat per a Catalunya #Sisi
Si Catalonia, wishing you a’ the best AYE
Scotland is watching and so proud of all of you. Our over population of 55 years and over were barraged by the Westminster Government in the UK and biased press. The put the fear in them and the next generation were forgotten about. Don’t let media and fear put you off you hope and your longing for a better future for you children and their children, this is their vote. Love for Scotland
I hope you manage in spite of everything the Spanish state is throwing at you! Catalunya lliure!
Vote Yes and we’ll not be far behind you. Soar Catalunya soar as we should have
I wish you great success and hope you will be an example to the misguided people of Scotland
Let your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears…
Deixi que les seves decisions reflecteixen les seves esperances , no les seves pors…
Andiamo! In bocca al lupo.
We are with you Catalunya. Xx
Hope you win, we lost but we will pray for you.
All the best Catalunya. We need to take responsibility for change. We need to reclaim our democracies. We need to take back our ability to control the way we are governed. You can do it.
Neo-eisimeileachd dha Cataluinia – gun nochd sibh an t-slighe dha Alba is eile. Independéncia, Catalunya: si, si! Show the way to Scotland and others 🙂
I was in Girona three weeks ago and was very heartened to see all the yellow banners wrapped around statues etcetera in Placa de la Independencia and all the many Catalonian flags hanging from windows. I felt a really good feeling of brotherhood for you all. That is one beautiful city you have there too – a delight to be in.
Stay strong and we will do this together – taking control of our own destinies from the hands of the privileged few who rule us from beyond our borders. A new international brotherhood against the obscene wealth and power of the few (and the damage they are happy to do to our planet) is growing healthily from the decaying credibility of neo-liberalism.
Good luck and I hope for 3 things for you:
1. HIGH turnout
2. a WIN!!! 🙂
3. More politicisation of the people and engagement to help you gain momentum to take your freedom!!
Go Catalonia! our hearts are with you.
I fully support Catalonian independence. Best wishes on your historic day!
We are with you all the way, people were not born to be subservant to another race of people, I love your flag we will I am sure do the same for you in the very near future, good luck and god bless you all.
Wishing you all the best from Bonnie Scotland!
All the best Catalunya. Freedom is a great thing to strive for. Let’s hope that we both make it.
really hope you show us the way bonne chance!!
My heart is with you, truly you are like brothers and sisters to us here in Scotland.
Our thoughts are with you Catalonia; we hope you win and show us the way to success
Wishing you all Good Luck and Best Wishes! Xxxxxxxxx
You have the power in your hands show the world what a proud people can do, be our inspiration
Stay strong brothers and sisters. Watching and sending you huge good wishes from Scotland. Was the best feeling in the world to vote YES.
To all Catalans I hope you get your independence.
Scotland’s day is coming.
All the best.
Scott 45 Malcolm @scoott1966
I recall the support from Catalunya at our March for Freedom in Edinburgh sep 2013. All my best wishes to you on this historic day. Your movement is an inspiration to Scotland’s Yes campaign.
Please do it.
Good luck today, Yessers in Scotland stand with you
Els habitants d’Escòcia diuen als nostres amics a Catalunya – Canviar el món d’avui . Estem enviant estimes .
My heart and soul are with you. You were strong during the civil war, be strong now. Brothers and sisters we are with you.
All the best Catelonia and good luck for the future as an independent country
For a’ that an’ a’ that, it’s comin’ yet for a’ that,
that man tae man the world ower
will brothers be for a’ that.
Buena suerte mucho Catalunya. Nuestros pensamientos están con ustedes en este día tan importante.
Dear friends: I am a Catalan and I’d like to express how touched I am by the lots of supporting messages I’m reading these days. Thank you very much to all those people in Scotland, Wales, Ireland, the Basque Country, Quebec, and all over the world for your solidarity. We’ll remember your friendship forever.
Blessings to Catalunya today!
Catalunya has been in my thoughts so much but especially today – be of brave heart and one day you will be independent, today’s process and your passion and determination will ensure it. We will be with you as you take the next step today. Saor Alba, Visca Catalunya!
Dear Catalans, Please choose democracy today. I am thinking of you and hoping you will choose wisely. Love from an Independent Scottish woman.
Go for it, Catalunya!
Your good wishes to us this year were greatly appreciated – especially from the many Catalans who visited Scotland in the months before the referendum. We send you our good wishes now – you will get there; we will get there !
I wish all the people of Catalonia good luck. Vote for your independence! Scotland is with you.
Such a beautiful country and great friendly people …more power to your elbow Catalonia ….Oh and your Catalonia creme is delicious..
Good luck Catalonia vote Si Si and demand democracy,Scotland stands with you x
Be strong and be free my friends.
Good luck Catalonia, Scotland is with you.
All the best with the vote – may your dreams be realised and true democracy win through. And may Scotland follow in the fullness of time. 🙂
Good luck. Solidarity! Grant
First they ignore you,
then they laugh at you,
then they come to fight you,
then you win.
Mahatma Gandhi
Show Scotland how it’s done.
Catalunya you were there for us, we’re here for you now. Si!
Good luck, Catalonia.
SiSi Catalonia, one step closer will reveal how progress can be made incrementally and help Scotland realise that 18th September 2014 was just the first step. We will arrive at Independence together and share a special relationship with our friends in Catalonia.
Please, say Si Si…
Go forward people of catalunya…take your own steps away from the corruption .. do not forget us your Scottish family.. do not wait for us for we WILL catch you up..
Hope you do it ..we are all in this together
Scotland stands beside you Catalunya………………..forward to freedom : ) xx
Catalunya is not Spain !
Best of luck…
Carpe diem! Visca Catalunya! Saor Alba! ><
Good luck brothers and sisters in Catalunya, hope you vote for the right to self- determination for your country. Thanks for your support for Scottish independence. In solidarity always, from Scotland.
Vote with your hearts. Film everything. Your descendants will want to see it. Love, light, peace Tim x
Let the people have their voice, let the people have their choice. Si Si Catalunya
Hope all goes your way. You deserve your independence and freedom!
Good luck from us all at Yes Shetland.
shout it out loud Catalunya! so we can hear you in Scotland. thinking of you all, we are with you.
Good luck from all at Yes Shetland
I hope you succeed where we stumbled. Show no fear, Take your flag and raise it with your pride.
Visca Catalunya!!
Saor Alba!!
The 45% of Scottish people whom are fighting for freedom in Scotland are with you every step of the way keep up your fight and never give up xxxxx
I would like to wish all the people of catalunya the very best of luck for there upcoming referendum, and thank you for your support during our referendum and the united flags, we the yes voters are with you all the way , stay strong, here in Scotland we will continue our fight and one day we will get our independence along with other country’s that wish to have there say for there people, go Catalunya, viva Catalunya , SOAR ALBA.
Catalunya es bona, forsa i llibertat x
Good luck today Catalunya. The voice of the people is democracy. I hope with all my heart that your voice says Yes. Freedom..
Catalunya, Be Brave
Estem pensant en vostè
Good luck Catalunya
Good Luck Catalonia from the Isle of Arran, Scotland.
Hope you get the YES vote you deserve. Best of luck to Catalunya
All the best form Wales (Galles)
Solidarity from Scotland to the Catalan people. Our day will come!
Go Catalonia ! Become your destiny ! We’re get there, we are just taking a wee bit longer xox
Good luck to Catalunya! And thanks for your support on Sep18th.
Good luck mis amigos!!!!
Best of luck, Catalunya. My goddaughter has lived in Barcelona for years, and got to vote for the first time today! Love to you and the family, Terry,
Catalunya is amazing & unique. Go for it!
Our thoughts are with you today Call u ya. ..good luck…you are a shining beacon to us in Scotland
Shoulder to shoulder with you Catalunya x
Catalunya, mes que mai
Go Catalonia, do what we had the chance to. Move forward. All the best!!! 🙂
Good luck 🙂
I’ve been there with you today Catalunya! It is on I’m proud to see Scots there supporting you! Si,Si
Viva Catalunya!
We wish you your infapendence … In time I hope we follow.
Seize the day And we’ll be not far behind you.
Good luck Catalunya. Small is beautiful! Si, Si. Scotland is with you all the way.
We are with you Catalonia…xxx Be in control of your own Destiny, for the future of your children, and your grandchildren…xx We are with you …xxxx
Good luck! Fully supporting your bid for Independence!
YES, Cataluna. Good luck brothers and sisters.
Scotland stands with you in demanding control of your own nation and your own destiny.
Believe in your people and your goals, and do not be distracted by the propaganda that you will face from the elitist politicians and their media allies.
Good Luck!
Scotland is with you Catalonia, YOU CAN DO IT!
Lots of thought about Catalonia today, every success, we wish you well.
we hope you win your freedom go for it dont wait to regret it like scotland
Go Catalonia should us at least 60% SiSi
Your destiny is in your own hands!!! Good Luck on your Independence Journey your time is now Catalonya xxx
Good luck may you get your independence, we are all behind you Catalonia
In the name of peace, justice and freedom, I wish you every success.
Thank you Catalunya, for the help you gave us here in Scotland on the ground, for example your volunteers here who distributed leaflets and literature for us. Small nations hold the promise of direct and genuine, democracy, while large nations often fall prey to oligarchy (as, Spain and the UK). Viva Catalunya! May you win today.
Here’s to your passion and joyful determination in the face of Spanish intransigence.
Shoulder to shoulder with you brothers & sisters for a positive outcome.
All the best to the wonderful people of Catalonia on their quest for democracy and freedom.
Show Scotland how it should be done. Good Luck for an independent future.
Good luck, thank you for your support during our referendum. Here’s hoping , one day, the heads of both our independent countries can meet.
My thoughts are with you and I hope you gain what Scotland missed out on
Visca Catalunya!
To my Catalan friends: show us how it’s done
Tots vostes estan en els nostres cors. Good luck.
Buena Suerte Catalunya de Derek y Ann Marnoch, Almeria, Espana
I’ll never forget seeing candles laid out in the shape of the Catalan and Scottish Flags next to each other in George Square and on the Royal Mile in the days leading up to the referendum result. It felt like true international solidarity between our two nations. Let’s have some self determination and social responsibility, small, successful nations and an end to imperialism. It is a disgrace they won’t give you a legal vote. Kick it in the goal!
God Yes Catalunya! God bless Catalonia. Do it!
with you in spirit Catalunya – vote for self determination – and Scotland will join you in independence very soon…..
‘Freedom, that most noble thing, that no worthy person ever gives up, except with life itself’.
Go Catalunya!
Luck and love to the people of Catalunya! We are with you…
Good luck to you all, will be keeping my fingers and toes crossed!
With you in spirit. Good luck to all Catalans!!!!
+ onwards 🙂
As, I hope, Scotland was an inspiration to you Catalunya, you too are an inspiration to all of us. Vote Si
Make your own history Catalunya.
Good Luck Catalunya! I wish for you a high turnout today and decisive result that Madrid cannot ignore.
One day Catalunya and Scotland will be free.
My thoughts are with you. You will win.
Be brave Catalunya.
Sincerely hope you win your independence.
Have the courage of your own belief. It is better to decide your own future.
So very much hoping that you return a good strong Yes vote. The road is not always easy but the prize is great. Freedom
Go get em my Catalan friends. They can’t deny you your freedom. You have a right to democracy and a right to nationality. These two “rights” are universally protected human rights of which the Spanish Government in Madrid are full signatories to the UDHR.
The Catalans like the Scots have a Right To Nationality under Article 15 which states:
1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.
2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his/her nationality nor denied the right to change his/her nationality.
The Catalans like the Scots have a Right To Democracy under Article 21 which states:
1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his/her country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his/her country.
3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.
Madrid’s threats and postulating are futile. Catalunya’s human rights are protected no matter what the Spanish constitution says because the Spanish Government like the UK Government are full signatories to the UDHR which supercedes any mononational constitution in a multi national environment which holds the UDHR over and above that of petty nationalistic constitutions. The sorts that people belonging to parties like UKIP, the BNP and the Tories love quibbling about.
Best Wishes Catalunya! Respect from Scotland, we applaud your bravery!
Believe in yourselves.
Good luck, Vote YES,
Good Luck from your friends in Scotland.
courage, best wishes, strength and prosperity to you – I hope your people make the right decision and can go forward with pride and string identity with your nation. All our hopes and faith from Scotland
Vote YES and best wishes for a happy outcome – eventually, you can overcomebecause anything is
Everything starts with Yes.
What a pity. So many good subjects, if you had good lord. From a Catalonia’s lover.
All the very best of wishes to the good people of Catalonia and many, many thanks for your support of us.
With you in spirit Catalunya. Llarg Catalunya en directe
Go for it Catalunya!
Every wish for a successful outcome. Go for it Catalunya and best wishes for the future. Take control!.
Bona Sort Cataluyna!
Tha sinne nar seasamh ri taobh sibhse an diugh a Chatalunia, Gura matha a thèid leibh!!! We’re standing alongside you today Catalunya – good luck to you!!!!.
Our thoughts are with you.
Good luck brothers and sisters in Catalunya. The future is yours and we will support you.
Good luck Cataluña. Our thoughts are with you in your struggle.
On 2 occasions I have walked from Irun in the Basque Country through the Pyrenees. Finishing my journey on one occasion in Catalonia at Llança. Each time in awe of the beautiful countryside and the warmth of the people we met there. I hope you achieve your dreams. I look forward to the day that I can travel from an independent Scotland to each of your independent countries. Solidarity from Scotland.
Here’s to freedom and good neighbours.
Buena suerte Catelonia !
Bring this vote home 🙂
May you succeed where Scotland failed!
My hope is that your fellow Catalans have the courage and conviction many Scots lacked. Forza Catalunya
Best of luck – we’ll get there in the end. This movement is unstoppable!
Good Luck Catalunya. Scotland is with you.
May your hopes shine and your courage stay strong! Scottish solidarity sings boldly with you for freedom and the future.
i nearly got arrested in Spain for humming the Baque National Anthem in 1975 lol GOOD LUCK CATALUNYA we in Scotland support you all one day when we are both free countries we can be allies and friends GOD BLESS YOU ALL xx
Si Si, Catalunya!
It just wasn’t time for Scotland this year, but that day will come again sooner than most think.
Meanwhile, your turn has come.
May you start the earthquake that re shapes Europe!
Your Scottish brothers and sisters are with you in spirit – may your courage and persistence be properly rewarded.
Good luck. Scotland is behind you
Solidarity with the people of Catalonia in our common desire for independence, true democracy and the better society.
Best wishes to the people of Catalunya. Spain cannot justify keeping you against your will. Denying you the right to vote is not democracy and will not stand for long.
Power to people,aka democracy.
Good luck Catalunya.
Visca una Catalunya independent! Que tingueu bona sort! Amb bons desitjos d’ Escòcia – estem amb vostes.
Gura math thèid leibh. The support we got from you and the Basque people during our Yes campaign was inspiring. We send our support to you, and hope for a ‘Yes!’. Saor Catalunya!
I visited Catalonia after the referendum and I was amazed at the visible signs of support for independence. I wish you well in the movement towards independence.
Good luck to you all. I hope this is your first step on your rad to independence. The Scottish people are with you all xxxx
Go Catalunyia!!!
From Glasgow, yours in Solidarity!
Hope over fear. All the best to you all
Viva la revolucion, Catalonia (Catalunya)! Solidarity from Glasgow, Scotland. Catalonia and Caledonia!
I sincerely hope YES wins. My thoughts r with u all. Saor Alba!
Good Luck Catalunya. Scotland forced the door ajar. Now it’s your turn to blast it wide open. For your nation, for Scotland, for the basque nation and all others who believe in democracy.
Says it all, for Scotland & Catalunya ..
Good luck to our Catalonian friends.
We are all with you here. Well done on your bravery and determination!
Si Si, go for it.
Yes Scotland
Hope you are braver than we were. Good luck!
Best wishes from Kintyre in Argyll.XXXXX
Good luck Catalunya
Good luck Catalunya! May your dreams come true! Thank you for your support for us!
Well done Catalyunia. Hopefully we will join you soon.
Thank you for including Scotland in your day today
I would like to add my best wishes. Let us go forward together in solidarity, love and strength.
Good luck Catalonia. Show us how it’s done!
Well, now, if the Catalan people didn’t just go ahead and do it…
‘2.25 million Catalans participate in non-binding vote, independence option won with 80% support’:
Looking forward now to real independence for Catalonia.
On behalf of Twitter’s “WeAreThe45plus” group-list, I would like to wish Catalonia and its people the greatest of success with every step of your collective way towards full independence. May Scotland walk it with you in support and solidarity. Onwards and upwards for both our peoples – and both our countries!
Catalunya – be strong , be sure , be patient – you will get there in the end. Good luck.
Good luck to Catalunya and my Catalan family
Si! Best wishes and solidarity to everyone in Catalonia.
The image at the front of this piece comes from San Sabastian in the Basque Country – these guys know how to sort a flash mob. In solidarity.
congratulations on winning the first battle. Keep the faith and continue the fight xxx
Well done Catalonia. I hope Caledonia’s independence follows soon. Awrabest for your future.
This time….!
The Spanish government did their best to stymie the referendum by making it “illegal” and refusing to recognise the result but the direction of travel for Catalonia is the same as that for Scotland: independence will come. I imagine Westminster will take great heart from the Catalonia result – not the actual voting as they are nervous about democracy – but rather that central government can effect things by banning popular polls. If the Tories get in next May and there is another referendum mooted for Scotland within their term, who is to say they will not ban it? They got away with it by the skin of their teeth last September. I don’t see them risking it again by trusting the people to vote No once more.
Scotland is behind you, well done the Catalans, a proud people!
Speaking as an avowed Scottish Yes person, I find the Catalan stance Deeply moving and inspiring: all the very best to your movement too!
So proud of you! You inspire those of us who are still fighting for the cause. Keep the momentum going!
Well done people of Catalonia. If only more Scottish people had your kind of backbone.
Catalonia – so close to Caledonia, what a wonderful vote for independence you have just made.
Scotland will learn from you, and one day will reject the politics of fear and all the forces ranged against our country. You have the same resistance from Madrid as we have from Westminster.
Congratulations on your milestone to success, democracy and destiny.
You are an example to Scotland and we will learn from you. Forward together to independence and social justice.
My thoughts are with you. Vote for independence and show the world that you will not be intimidated.
Thoughts with you on this historic day, go for Catalunya Yes Yes Yes
Well Done to the people of catalonia on voting YES in ur referendum we the people of Scotland love you all . X
I’m Catalan and I’d like to say thanks for all these encouraging messages!
I voted yesterday, and so did all my family (my 91 year-old grandpa included), all for the Sí-Sí! 2,3 million votes that can be even more when the counting finishes, and 80% have voted independence.
The path will be difficult because the Spanish government has no intention to acknowledge this and they have resorted to threatening us again, but we are not afraid and we won’t be stopped.
I hope we’ll get our freedom and that you will join us soon!
Visca Catalunya, Saor Alba!
Visca Catalunya!!! Si! Si!
Well done to each and everyone in catalunya, no wonder the Spanish government refused to sanction the vote.
Today I feel so envious of your spirited people as it’s only a matter of time until the vote becomes reality, I only hope that we in Scotland are ready to join you as another free nation.
Well done in Catalunya! Your dedication is an example to us all, and we wish you all the best.
Well done my Catalan brothers and sisters.
Supporting democracy in Catalonia.
Well done!
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So Proud of the Catalans “No Pasaran”
Well Done! and thanks for all your support Amazing!!!!
Have more guts than us Scots, Catalunya!