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  1. cynicalHighlander says:

    Gill Bailiff no doubt coming up to scale.

  2. Morag says:

    You know, that’s beautifully drawn.

  3. Big Pete Crenshaw says:

    I was just expecting a joke. Any joke.

    1. You’re a demanding fucker, aren’t you?

  4. Frank M says:

    It is interesting to note that the Labour benches are sole-less!

  5. davidmccann24 says:

    Waiting with bated breath to see the scales fall from their eyes.

  6. Andrea says:

    Here’s an excellent solution for Carp infestations from the Aussies.

    Could be the stunned approach will work in Scotland too…Turn them into fertilizer to allow the native Scots to flourish…

  7. What an appropriate choice to represent the Labour party. Here in Australia Carp are considered a very serious threat to our native species, to be eliminated at every opportunity. Quite symbolic of the current Scottish Labour Party and the threat they represent to Scotland’s present and future well being.

  8. wee Jonny says:

    Ha. Yes I did expect a Sturgeon joke. And very well done, the likenesses are astonishing. Can’t wait till they’re battered in May.

  9. Fay Kennedy. says:

    Unfortunately carp is out of control in Australia. Scotland by comparison is uplifting and very interesting.

  10. Barontorc says:

    They do keep carping on about tosh don’t they?

    Watching Jabba the Hutt, the stand-in Branch Manager, deliverer / screwer of NHS mis-facts, who cannot rise for a single minute to the solemnity and gravitas required of an official spokes-person, simply dragging the Scottish Parliament down to her level will not do.

    We deserve much more than that from Labour, but we know now that that’s to be the way of it. The warm opening statements from Nicola Sturgeon as FM was an open-handed pledge to listen to all views and get what is best for the Scottish people, which was met with applause from her own party, but not one clap from the serried banks of Labour placemen. Could they not see the significance of what she was setting-out to do?

    They are negative to anything, such is their programming. Perhaps we do all carp an injustice by comparing them?

    1. Frank M says:

      Absolutely spot on Barontorc. I watched astounded by her lack of gravitas for the occasion and lack of concern for the truth. Labour lies occur so often that they actually lose sense of the fact that they are lying. Karma is coming soon.
      James Dow’s voice from the diaspora is worthy of note as well. Labour are indeed “a threat to Scotland’s present and future well being”. They are dull and destructive as a party.

      I always thought there was something fishy about them.

  11. Holebender says:

    Well done on sneaking a tuba in there.

    1. Clootie says:

      I missed it 🙁

    2. cynicalHighlander says:

      It was a Tuna in disguise.

  12. jdman says:

    Oh god,
    whats a man to do ?
    My Sole aim is to get though this without making a complete Haddie of myself,
    That old Trout Ballie’s only excuse for being there is to Mirror Carp about the SNP ,
    The Labour frontbench think the public are like Goldfish ,once round the bowl, hmm nice wallpaper, next time round the bowl, hmm nice wallpaper, third time round the bowl hmm nice wallpaper,
    ok ok you get the Plaice,

    I may be getting old but my Gray Mullet still wows the Pout(ers)
    and if you think Im over the Brill?
    I should John Dory!

    We need to Gudgeon these people into submission,
    maybe kick them in the Pollacks?

    Not one word about Salmond and Sturgeon, DOH!

  13. Clootie says:

    I think you have the wrong Carp. This is not the “giant carp” but in fact the “bigheaded carp”
    The bigheaded carp has a large mouth and low set eyes – google it if you don’t believe me!

    The bigheaded carp survives by denying food to native species.

  14. Juteman says:

    Been mushie picking up Campie, Greg? 🙂

  15. bearinorkney says:

    Carp are up in fins at being compared to Labour MSP’s. Too flipping right.

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