Cat Boyd interview on RIC Futures
Cat Boyd reflects on the future of RIC and the radical indy movement on the day of the biggest gathering for years at the Clyde Auditorium
Cat Boyd reflects on the future of RIC and the radical indy movement on the day of the biggest gathering for years at the Clyde Auditorium
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Reblogged this on I'll Never Get Out of this World Alive and commented:
This was an amazing conference.
Excellent stuff. I’m sure I heard someone suggest RIC should have candidates for the 2016 elections as a new party which saddened me as it would splinter the Left. No one with a crystal ball could foresee what the political landscape will be like in 2016 precisely. Let’s see how Labour’s big ego-driven dinosaurs adapt and survive: how any of them think they can stay plugged into the Matrix-like, life-sucking-death-of-the-people that is the Right wing Neo-Liberal economics and still be our Socialist saviours is beyond me. The only way Labour in Scotland can represent the people of Scotland is discard Neo-Liberal lunacy and its social engineering and the only way it can do that is discard the London HQ madness for one simple reason: the problems of the South of England are not the problems of Scotland. Or to put it another way, Scotland’s problem is London and the South of England bleeding our people, bleeding our resources and to disguise this process, the Westminster motley crew LIE LIE LIE and patronise the Scots. The time for a divorce came and went a long time ago. Scotland has woken up and seen through the veneer called Westminster Politics. Get back to your roots Scottish Labour and put on your principles head to toe: get shot of your shallow careerists. You exist to serve the public; we dcont exist to serve your ambition and addiction to title. MP’s may think they are the modern Lairds o’ the Toon but that bubble has burst. Wake up ye so-called Labour Socialists…….
Reblogged this on RIC Gorbals.
I’m confused. Didn’t Cat encourage support for Corbyn and, correct me if I am wrong, which I may well be since nobody seems to have a clue what Labour stands for these days, Labour policy is to renew Trident?
It makes me wonder. What comes first for RI people, the radical part or the independence part? Quite often they seem to get in the way of each other, creating antagonisms.
I get the impression that the left aren’t that sincere about independence and are just pinning badges to their lapels in order to win support and lure people to their true cause which has something to do with hair.