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  1. paulmclem says:

    Well worthy of inclusion in The National. I’m sure they’ll be along shortly with an offer you can’t refuse.

  2. Steve Bowers says:

    Crawler, heh heh heh

  3. IAB says:

    I sent him an email saying much the same

  4. jimnarlene says:

    You forgot the pig in a poke and the millstone neck decoration. Hope you get the National gig though.

    1. bellacaledonia says:

      Can you un-reblog it please?

      1. Yeah it’s missing the last box over there.

  5. Its a finger of fudge! aye,an extended middle finger.

  6. David Agnew says:

    i never had much faith in it as a process. I expected it to be limp and worthless. It turned out to be worse than labours Devo-Nano. A bowl of cold water with a carrot in it, served up to Scotland as a nourishing broth. It will be interesting to see the mental wrangling that labour goes through to try and water it down to nothing.

  7. Ewan MacKenzie says:

    I can’t believe I never noticed the rabbit until the final frame. How is that possible?

    1. Fluffy bunnies move in mysterious ways.

  8. Craig B says:

    The Tory game plan is now becoming clear. Throw a few tax crumbs in the direction of the Scottish Parliament, and then use that as an excuse to disembowel the Labour Party’s ability to use their Scottish MPs to carry tax Bills affecting the rest of the UK.

    Does the Labour Party deserve to be deceived, exploited and humiliated in this way? Why, yes it does. After the Vow of the Three Stooges, the Labour Party deserves all it gets. Hell mend it. Does Scotland deserve this feeble semi-evasion of the Vow? No, we don’t. And I’m pretty sure we will fight back.

    We notice that the SLab leadership candidate Jim Murphy is claiming a “change of mind” on some of these devo-max issues, beefing up his tough Scottish image. Has he really changed his mind? Certainly not. As he has said before: he doesn’t care about Left or Right, he cares about winning or losing. And if winning means painting his face blue and donning a kilt, that’s what he’ll do.

  9. Craig B says:

    The Tory game plan is now becoming clear. Throw a few tax crumbs in the direction of the Scottish Parliament, and then use that as an excuse to disembowel the Labour Party’s ability to use their Scottish MPs to carry tax Bills affecting the rest of the UK.

    Does the Labour Party deserve to be deceived, exploited and humiliated in this way? Yes it does. After the Vow of the Three Stooges, the Labour Party deserves all it gets. Hell mend it. Does Scotland deserve this feeble semi-evasion of the Vow? No, we don’t. And I’m pretty sure we will fight back.

    We notice that the SLab leadership candidate Jim Murphy is claiming a “change of mind” on some of these devo-max issues, beefing up his tough Scottish image.…and-jim-murphy Has he changed his mind? Certainly not. As he has said before: he doesn’t care about Left or Right, he cares about winning or losing. And if winning means painting his face blue and donning a kilt, that’s what he’ll do.

  10. neil bruce says:

    Brilliant as always. Having to wipe away tears of laughter.
    I reckon you could just draw the rabbit and it would make
    me crack up with laughter.

  11. egg -faced **** for Cameron? Bit of a cartoonist’s challenge that one

  12. macart763m says:

    Nice one. 😀

    Hope to see you in the National.

  13. Calgacus says:

    Smudger packin fudge

  14. Sure Scot says:

    When you start mocking people and resorting to personal insults it only proves that you have well and truly lost the argument.
    How about dealing with the cold hard facts of the result of the referendum vote or the current oil price?
    Oil price is currently $70 a barrel (was $110 a few months ago ). It has dropped $40 a barrel in a few months and is predicted to go lower.
    If we had voted for independence we would be staring into the abyss right now with austerity plus on the horizon!

    1. David Agnew says:

      lets talk about uncertainty How about the cold hard facts about how the volatility of oil affects the UK?. Since it has the lion share of the oil wealth, how is it going deal with the crisis? What exactly is it about the remaining in the UK makes you feel secure? We’re going deeper into recession at the cost of doubling the UK national debt and the deficit? Since UK labour and the coalition are chasing each other to the right to stay ahead of UKIP, how is our dysfunctional parliamentary system going to correct itself, when there literally is no one who represents the union worth voting for?

  15. David Smith says:

    And you think we’re not heading for something far far worse with YOUR imperial masters on a coke trip to oblivion, Sure Brit? I’d rather be skint, independent and self respecting than being stuck with a shower of psychopaths, war mongers, thieves, conmen and child abusers. What argument did you win? You blotted out reasoned debate with your campaign of hysterical lies and brain dead smears. Don’t blame me when the nature of the cesspool that YOU and your like were too spineless to leave finally becomes apparent to you. YOU voted for the shit sandwich so shut up and eat so we don’t have to hear your patronising whines. Thanks to YOU, the children of Scotland have been handed a bleak future as minimum wage drones or imperial cannon fodder for someone else’s country. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind! We remember…

    1. Sure Scot says:

      I think you need to calm down……to many RIC meetings maybe….blaming everyone for everything.
      How would it be a benefit to our children to be, as you say, rather be skint but independent?
      It seems like you just want independence at any costs regardless of whether it is any benefit to us as a nation.
      So we should suffer then just because you think its better to be independent?
      Pretty much somes up the failed yes campaign really!

      1. Sure Scot says:

        Forgot to add……you’ve just proved my point about personal insults and losing the argument

  16. M says:

    Brilliant cartoon, but yes he forgot the shit sandwich…

    1. Sure Scot says:

      What is it with you guys and the obsession with this type of sandwich?
      I prefer ham lettuce and tomato on mine.

    2. Sure Scot says:

      What is it with you guys and the obsession with this type of sandwich?
      I prefer ham lettuce and tomato

  17. oldbattle says:

    Aah! Smith and yer grand Commission

    Oh what a sorry history o omission!

    Devoid o’ courage- a sleakit compromise

    Promises denied-vows turned lies.

    My mother’s name offered a mothering task

    To nurture a new Scotland! Aye: a face-less mask.

    Now the talk is of bottled betrayal

    Of the ‘Men’s sell-out’, cowardice and failure.

    You’ve given us a charity-shop of poor-power

    A timid union-list of hope turned sour

    A potion of powers: enough to let us fail

    A poisen’d parritch o taxes and cauld kail.

    Go! Heng as high as yon kirk steeple

    You betrayed the hopes of our working-people!

  18. Dr JM Mackintosh says:

    Well done Greg.

    I hear your plug for the National worked and you are going to be published on Monday.

    Inspired advertising!

    1. It’s the triumph of ballbreaking over talent.

  19. Denis says:

    ”David Smith
    November 30, 2014 • 00:23
    And you think we’re not heading for something far far worse with YOUR imperial masters on a coke trip to oblivion, Sure Brit? I’d rather be skint, independent and self respecting than being stuck with a shower of psychopaths, war mongers, thieves, conmen and child abusers. What argument did you win? You blotted out reasoned debate with your campaign of hysterical lies and brain dead smears. Don’t blame me when the nature of the cesspool that YOU and your like were too spineless to leave finally becomes apparent to you. YOU voted for the shit sandwich so shut up and eat so we don’t have to hear your patronising whines. Thanks to YOU, the children of Scotland have been handed a bleak future as minimum wage drones or imperial cannon fodder for someone else’s country. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind! We remember…”

    Excellent post here from D Smith. It’s passionate and spot on. Yet he is told to ‘calm down’ by those North Britishers who value bourgeois manners before good comment, a habit so loved in Surrey and Islington.

    Here, I suspect that ‘calmness’ is the product of being comfortably off, free from the cruelties of the bedroom tax, that child of the poll tax culture. When you’re the target of Westminster’s policies you dont feel so calm.

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