MoodieVision: Reporting Jockland

Series 2 Episode 1 of MoodieVision animation: Reporting Jockland.

Greg Moodie's Election DissectionThe follow-up to ‘Greg Moodie Versus The Union’, ‘Greg Moodie’s Election Dissection’ is a compilation of mainly post-referendum cartoons from Bella Caledonia and The National and charts the run-up to the 2015 General Election.

This 132-page colour-explosion is a large-format 297 x 297 cm (roughly 12″ x 12″), has a gloss laminated soft cover, matt coated art paper within and a specially written foreword by Lesley Riddoch.

You lucky things! Buy it now.


Comments (10)

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  1. Hoss Mackintosh says:


    you are a genius – you have Reporting Jockland down to a tee.

    So Brilliant – I may even buy that most excellent new book of yours!

    1. Greg Moodie says:

      I can’t imagine how you’ve managed to survive this long without it. Slacker. #ComeForTheToons #StayForTheAbuse

  2. Alastair says:

    Brilliant I peed myself laughing.

    Luckily my washing machine has a cynical cycle – it takes the pish out of my boxers.

  3. Macart763 says:

    Superb. 😀

    Kezia and wee Ruthie tank commander are stand out brilliant.

  4. g nicholson says:

    pure dead brilliant.

  5. One_Scot says:

    Brilliant that weather map at the end just sums up all of Scotland’s problems in one image.

  6. Almannysbunnet says:

    Brilliant! It was hard to tell the difference between reporting Jockland and the real thing. Can I request an episode of Jockland 2015 with Snearah Smith? Just for a bit of balance you understand 🙂

  7. Jock Scot says:

    Excellent piece, Greg. Particularly liked the return of George Robertson. And we wonder why the world’s f#cked up. Doom..doom and more cataclysmic doom. Priceless.

  8. thomaspotter2014 says:

    Totally magnificent!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Fucking Awesomely great
    The tops
    The best
    Truly mind blowing ly fantastically brilliant

    Must be the caber ney sauvignon,sorry

    Had me in stiche’s

  9. Kent says:

    Nice website

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