Houston We Have a Problem
Sons of Struth founder Houston was so incensed by the news of Allan’s decision to sign for Celtic, that he posted video tweets with homophobic comments, labelling him as a ‘gay’ and calling him a ‘poofter’ while honouring Rangers midfielder Andy Halliday – who is close friends with Allan.
Boyhood Rangers fan Allan had been the subject of three failed bids from the Ibrox side, with Hibernian refusing to sell to their championship rivals. This led to Allan handing in a transfer request to force a move to Ibrox, but again this was rejected.
Houston had lauded the potential arrival of Allan at Rangers calling him a talented midfielder, and claiming to his followers that his agent would do everything in his power to make sure he would sign a pre-contract agreement for Rangers in January.
The Rangers fan had also criticised Hibernian fans for posting abusive comments about the midfielder just days before Celtic signed the youngster for £275,000.
When confronted online by the BBC’s Tom English over his ‘homophobic moment’, Houston [who had labelled the Irishman as anti-Rangers during a previous BBC Sportsound show] claimed that the Irishman was pandering to Celtic fans.
Houston said: “Someone seems to be playing to their target audience. Again.”
Houston, who hails from Linwood, co-founded Sons of Struth with convicted drug dealer, football hooligan and former BNP supporter Sandy Chugg – who is up in court in December after being arrested following Rangers’ League Cup semi final 2-0 defeat to Celtic in February.
The salesman for drinks firm Vodquila, has been used by a number of media outlets in Scotland over the past year, including BBC, STV, the Evening Times and the Daily Record during the Rangers fans’ boycott of the club when controlled by the previous board under the Easdale brothers.
There is no news if these same media outlets will continue to use Houston’s services following his homophobic comments.
This latest Rangers fan rep scandal comes months after Chris Graham of the Rangers Supporters Trust, had to resign from the Rangers board after just two days as a director following a racist tweet posted to a Muslim cleric depicting the Prophet Mohammed engaged in a sex act in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terror attack.
Houston was unavailable for comment.
As a lifelong Gers supporter I continue to be astonished at the depths to which some of my fellow supports can descend. It should not matter a jot what sexual orientation, religion or political belief a player has. If he wants to play for Rangers then fine. it is his ability that matters, nothing more. No doubt Mr Struth would be less than happy at anyone who lowered the standards of the club. This person has just done that. He should not be allowed back nor should anyone bringing the name of the club into disrepute-including shareholders and players. Rather a lower league team than a team of big time bigots.
Good for speaking out. The unacceptable behaviour of all football fans should be challenged by all who care for the game. Was a racist comment on a Celtic site the other day, the admin left it up to shame the culprit. HH
As a ‘life long Rangers supporter’, you have probably stood on the Ibrox terraces all your life. listening to sectarian chanting without withdrawing your support. Your support, financial and otherwise, has been appreciated by Newco 300.b.12.a.
Wrong Mr Juteman. I refused to attend matches precisely because of the actions of the bigots. The club have never lost my support-but the bigots never had it. There will be those , like yourself, who will not wish to recognise the difference between support for the team and blind allegiance to the causes and the bile espoused by so called supporters. These people do not belong on the terraces. They belong in jail-no matter which club they pretend to support
If you don’t attend matches, how can you be a supporter?
No offence intended.
dead classy aren’t they?
I’m assuming Mr Houston’s employer has been informed about his public conduct?
I would imagine that is most likely to happen. Lets face it they have a right to know when one of their employees is participating in this sort of disgusting behaviour as it could have an affect on their company.
I think it is only fair to call them to let them know to be perfectly honest. I will in the morning
Being an out gay man, I can confirm that 9 out of 10 men who start posting this type of homophobic tripe have something to hide themselves about their own true sexual orientation. With Craig Houston it’s probably case of self-hate outing itself in homophobic video tweets.
I agree with chick mckenna’s comment, “It should not matter a jot what sexual orientation, religion or political belief a player has. If he wants to play for Rangers then fine. it is his ability that matters, nothing more. ”
Craig Houston, the LGBT community gives you a red card.
Well said. Always wondered myself about Craig and what he may be hiding. Wonder if he still lives with his mum? Anybody know if he does?
Hrrrrm … “9 out of 10” I would be interested to know just how can you confirm this? Do you have a citation?
I’d be interested to know if the Scottish media picked up on the story too or looked the other way. I have friends from both sides of the ‘Glasgow divide’ and to be honest none of us could care less what race, colour, creed or orientation you are. As Chick correctly put, it’s ability that counts. There is no place in modern society for this but sadly it will always be there. Both sides have racists and homophobes and the club itself needs to stand up and say ‘you’re not welcome’.
Well said …. its not a footballing issue, but one of Scottish culture and society
Once again this kind of nonsense takes up the airwaves. As if there are not more serious matters to be involved in. And yes those who shout the loudest are often covering up their own phobias and fears.
Rangers travelled leaps and bounds under Souness. Quite rightly he did not care about players, colour, sexual persuasion or religion, the litmus test for him was could they kick a ball. He brought Mo Jo and Mark Walters to Ibrox, both broke down barriers.
Since going into the minor divisions, there has been a deterioration in the way Rangers fans behave, not so much of the seventies rioting, but they openly appear to have an unhealthy intolerance towards the new Scotland being created round about them, but with out them.
What would some of the clowns who support Rangers lead us back to?
I am a former hun from the highlands, I gave up on them when I was at one game at Easter Road ten or more years ago and Rangers supporters were showing their blind devotion to an English aristocratic family and referring to Hibs fans in absolutely unrepeatable terms.
Unless the new owners reach out beyond the bigots, their support will dwindle and they will become an object of ridicule.
Calum, absolute nonsense. ….. and by the way, “Hun” …. no Rangers fan uses this sectarian language to describe themselves ……
It is not sectarian you LIAR!!!
Show us all the proof it is SECTARIAN!! Get the dictionary out you LIAR!!
Jimmy, liar? Just pointing out that I know no Rangers fans who describe themselves as “Huns” ….. As for being a sectarian label, I’ll leave you to argue that one with nil by mouth. Here is a quote from them “Offensive sectarian language is still used in Scotland on a daily basis, with abusive terms such as “Hun” and “Orange bastard” being used negatively against Protestants (or those perceived to be)”
Nil by mouth have said its sectarian? Must be now then eh
Defo sectarian eh? Ya fruitcake
ps …. the 52000 at ibrox tomorrow are all bigots?
Think we all know the answer to that
That will be a no then
In your opinion
Others may disagree
The man is an idiot, as anyone who has listened to him ‘talk’ for 5 minutes would know.
That he is, and his sidekick and few lapdogs who hang on his every word.
Bit of research on the guy will show you who he likes to keep company with.
Very nice people i hear!! NOT
bella, why don’t you stick to politics? Or where are your Celtic stories? Lifelong independence supporter and rangers fan. You and wings over Scotland, love the politics hate the anti Rangers agenda. “But it’s topical” bullshit. You can’t hide it and does the cause harm.
Could not agree more …. pity Mike hates Rangers with a passion ….
He only hates the , ahem , ” holding company “
Truth hurts eh?
Problem is Jimmy there are many truths, and yours does not really hurt because it’s poorly grounded in reality. For example, given the results from the referendum in Glasgow and the survey reported in a Catalan sports magazine, the overwhelming majority of football clubs in the cities that voted yes, was reflected in individual clubs fans own voting intentions.
Stories and views are important Jimmy, but don’t confuse them with universal truth.
Universal truth? Good one coming from a LIAR
I posted link from Dictionary proving HUN is not sectarian
Any outsider reading this will see you sir, are a born liar
Jimmy, please go to the Nil by Mouth site …. and read they definition that is shared with schools and other institutions. Given they have been supported by the Scottish Government to tackle sectarianism, I go with there definition rather than that of a dictionary.
It also interesting that you cannot comment without insulting people …. what does that say?
Such a desperate piece …. really is this the level your site run’s to ….. Andy really isn’t the most balanced contributor …..
Was my comment edited in anyway?
Because Peter Lawwell told them to edit it
Know your place!
Telling the truth is now desperate?
Aye ok then
No, but when you see a pattern of reporting in the context of what else is going on in Scottish football, then yes, it is desperate
Anyway …. here is another view on Andy ….. http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sna42o
What has that got to do with a guy who is friends with a convicted drug dealer calling somebody a poof?
Deflection ya numpty
The link is intresting from the fact of Rangers boards Finacial goings on and potential criminal activities, and AM own situation (if you read the link), it does look a little hypocritical
Other will have a different view, but some still think the earths flat and a man didn’t walk on the moon. Having a view on something does not make it right
Jimmy – “know your place”, a rather aggressive, nor dare I say arrogant way of dealing with people who do not share your view. If your are a Yes voter, like I am, then if anything the referendum was about inclusion and respect of everyone, even those you disagree with. Don’t you agree?
Good to see you are demonstrating a sense of humour …. as for Mike. I know him well and his views on Rangers. Last time we spoke about all things Scottish football was a couple of months ago over a pint. He’s a good lad but had a blind spot when it comes to my team. He would also say I do, which is fair, but there is one big difference. I hold my views because I love something, he (and others, like yourself) hold them because of hate. That is an important distinction, because your hatred blinds you to ever other possibility, other than your hate.
Wouldnt use the word hate but we will go with that for a minute.
I am in no way blinded but i ‘ hate ‘ racism ‘ and discrimination against people due to the fact they have a different belief system
I know a certain football club before it changed its name 2012 which had a signing policy. I know of certain members of the public who march in large numbers several times a year who swear a certain oath and who have also said recently that gay men will not be allowed to join. Fek knows why any right minded person would want to join anyway is beyond me
The whole HUN thing has only been brought up by the mock offended because the club was liquidated and they cant stomach the fact. Also rangers ex director had to stand down , we know the reason why. Their hatred to win any small battle drives them on, its all about getting one over on the TIMS, TAIGS or whatever the word of the day might be
Everybody knows the true meaning of HUN
What can you say. let’s be practical, there only one team who currently employ a racist and a sex offender, but of course that still be taken to trail.
Need to dash. Off to see The Ranges at the only sell out game this weekend. Enjoy your myopic perspectives of people and institutions
Myopic perspectives eh?
There it is from the ‘ horses ‘ mouth
Sell out? Remember when Celtic used to get 3 sides of Ibrox? Last 17 years Celtic have had highest attendances. Not into silly facts like this but you thought it may be of interest
Enjoy your day Sir
Jimmy, really don’t ever remember Celtic ever getting three sides of inbox and I’ve been going there since the late sixties. As for sold out comments – spoke with ticket office this morning, and now where audible. As for Hun,do you know the history of the term with Scottish football?
As other mentioned else where, this type of article really diverts attention from the real purpose of this site and just Makes it cheap and tacky
Always know you have hit a nerve when the nomadic tribes start talking about sex offenders
PS Sex offenders come from all parts of the world, all races, all creeds, all religions etc
Your point ?
49000 plus, not even 50k mark
Another lie David! You keep telling them, i will keep making an arse of you 😉
Jimmy, you did not address my points but just stated them again …. saying once more, in a different way does mot make your view right.
HUNS used to call Celtic fans HUNS! No offence taken! Protestant oldco rangers fans calling a club who welcomed all from the very first days HUNS!
Now the table has turned , you say it is anti protestant?? Absolutely fekin laughable!
Do i know history of HUN? Unless you can enlighten me otherwise probably not!
BTW What is this WATP crap all about? Protestants are Gods chosen people??? Wasnt Christ a Jew??
Name them and addressed they shall be
I love a good, adult debate, unfortunately this is not what we get when Bella introduces non relevant cr@p like this. All this does is attract the knuckle draggers like flies to a flame. It does no good at all and it has cheapened Bella Caledonia in my opinion.
I totally agree Bryan.Bella please do not cheapen debate by pandering to these morons! As for the biased bigots on both sides,”Awa and Gie’s Piece”
Referring to me John?
Remember it wasnt me that swore an oath to hate people because of their religion!!
Dont tar me with the same brush as these knuckle draggers!
I just expose the inbred, racist, homophobic jaffa cake bassas