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  1. Gordie says:

    Ach dinnae stress about the reaction from those who have nothing but contempt for our languages. We are well aware that these attitudes are there and where they are coming from. The overwhelming majority of folk in this country are well disposed towards Gaelic (and Scots) I.M. O. A description of these attitudes would stand as a definition of the word warped in any dictionary, in any country and in any language.

  2. Alan says:

    When a sitting Conservative MSP/public servant tweets that a 5-4 semi-final penalty win is a victory birthday gift for the Queen by the Queen’s 11 there is little hope of much changing in the backward parts of Scotland

  3. Gordie says:

    Thanks to the SFA for their support for the language

  4. Gordon Cuthbertson says:

    Taing airson ur taic sfa, leig seachad na h amadain

  5. Gordon Cuthbertson says:

    thanks for your support sfa, ignore the idiots

  6. Seumaidh Uallas says:

    It is great to have the support of the SFA for Gaelic Twitter Day for the third year running. The Day coincides with Friesian Twitter Day in the Netherlands. It was agreed to join both days together so we could attempt to make an international day for our smaller languages (#TIML2016). So there is no conspiracy. Incidentally, if my mind serves me right the comments were just as bad the past two years. It’s something Gàidhlig put up with on a regular basis unfortunately. Once again, thank you to the SFA for being part of this annual event.

  7. Andrew Wilson says:

    bidh mi airson a radh taing mhòr dhan SFA cuideachd. Want to say big thanks to the SFA as well. Knowledge of Gaelic, and it’s associated songs, stories and literature, love of land etc. is nothing to do with nationalism; it is part of Scottish life, that has everything to do with culture, learning and giving much needed support to the underdog. Truly shocked though by the level of hatred and vitriol from the Hun brigade.
    gur e math theid leibh, beannachd leibh

  8. Angus Skye says:

    Do the idiots who believe that a little bit of Gaelic “on the queen’s day” is disrespectful think that German would be more respectful?

    PS She may be their queen, but is sure ain’t mine.

  9. Bridey - Obar Pheallaidh says:

    Well done the SFA. Those folk dismissing Gaelic as a dead language, might stop and ask themselves why it declined. If you look hard enough at our place names today you’ll still see its there, rich in meaning. Sad to see folk ridicule their own culture in one breath whilst urging a monarch to be saved by the almighty in the next. Colonialism alive and well.

  10. Angus MacCuish says:

    I think it was Billy Connolly who said that a religion can’t have much confidence in itself if it thinks that what he says could shake the beliefs of its followers – or words to that effect.

    95% of Rangers fans are decent well rounded individuals- full stop – no hesitation in saying that.

    But, Rangers has a sizeable lunatic fringe who hate catholics and support hardcore Ulster loyalism. Anything that does not have a union jack on it they are wary of, ignorance takes over and they lash out.

    The only natural political home they have is the bnp, ukip or tories, let them kick off, their behaviour only helps distance and incentivise Scots on the fence over independence to climb over that fence from the brit nat side to the Scotland’s side.

    As for Gaelic, how strange is it to express your culture by attacking the language of your country, leave them to it.

    Well done to the SFA for promoting Gaelic!

    P.S. Did elizabeth windsor’s eldest son not write a book called “The Old Man of Lochnagar” and at his insistence had it translated into Gaelic?

  11. shane fraser says:

    Hilarious but 🙂 seriously !

  12. Màrtainn says:

    Funny the Gers spittin’ the dummy given how supportive big Prince Charlie is of the Gaelic:

  13. Tuskar Rock says:

    I suggest the term “foreign language” in one of the Tweets gives the game away; namely that these benighted individuals are under the misapprehension that the “Gaelic” referred to in the SFA Tweet was IRISH Gaelic.

    By the way, the Queen has web pages in both Scottish Gaelic [ ] and Welsh [ ], thus displaying immeasurably more respect for language and cultural diversity within her Realm than these embittered and ignorant people.

    Oddly, she does not seem to have a web-page in Scots.

  14. Iain More says:

    The Brit Nats displaying their ignorance is fine with me. I would hazard a guess and say that most of the remaining Gaelic speakers are ironically Rangers supporters. Well coming from parts of Scotland that are well predominantly and for a long time Protestant. Now who wants a kick about on the Sabbath?

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