Jeremy Corbyn: What Was Done

A ruthless & uncompromising satire from the creators of ‘Jim Murphy – Saviour of the Union’ – from Bonnie Prince Bob (& pals).

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  1. Onwards says:

    Jeremy Corbyn is against Scottish independence.
    He was also useless on the campaign to stay in Europe.

    Why should indy supporters subsidise a Corbyn worship movie ?
    Maybe if it was looking back on 40 successful years of independence.
    But Corbyn.. no thanks.. He is unelectable anyway in an increasingly right wing England.

    1. Bob Holloway says:

      If it’s satire, it’s unlikely to be an act of Corbyn-worship. Personally, I think he’s beyond satire, as are most in the Westminster bubble.

  2. Bob says:

    Jeremy Corbyn held successful talks with Nicola Sturgeon in regards to Scotland’ Secession from the Union. I wouldn’t make a ‘worship’ movie about anyone. BPB

  3. Onwards says:

    Fair enough. The clips of the guy in the future reminiscing about the greatest PM ever didn’t seem to contain much satire though, imo.
    And Corbyn’s record when it comes to devolution, let alone independence is pretty weak.

    “Jeremy Corbyn voted against giving the Scottish Parliament power over national insurance.”

    “Jeremy Corbyn voted against giving the Scottish Parliament the power to set Scotland’s laws on abortion.”

    “Jeremy Corbyn voted against giving the Scottish Parliament the power to make laws on child tax credit, and working tax credit.”

    The Jim Murphy film was fantastic, so hopefully the end result will be to that standard. Good luck with the movie, and it will be nice to see Scotland represented as a long established independent country at that point.. Maybe the fictional PM Corbyn will have lent a hand back in the day.

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