Dare to Dream

14159180_10101777445083211_1405434703_nEverything created must first be imagined. Explore the possible and Dare to Dream!

From 1st September to the 30th November 2016, The Scottish International Storytelling Festival invites you all as creative citizens to discover the stories of the past and to dream the stories of the future. Which stories do you want to take with you and which stories do you want to leave behind? What stories would you tell to the world today, from the future of your dreams?

The Scottish International Storytelling Festival launches its full programme this week (tickets go live on Monday 5th September). This year’s theme is the ‘Festival of Dreams.’ In addition to the Festival on Tour, this year sees a nationwide local festival campaign and national action celebrating the world changing power of dreams.

Imagine the best possible future. What stories would you tell to the world today, from the future of your dreams?
Dè na sgeulachdan a dh’ innseadh tu don t-saoghal an-diugh, bho d’ aislingean mun àm ri teachd?
Whit stories wid ye aye tak wi ye, an whit wid ye leave ahint?

The #DareToDream 2016 campaign is part-inspired by the #DareToImagine campaign in 2015, sponsored by the people-powered U.S. Department of Arts and Culture:

“In these times, social imagination is a radical act, restoring personal and collective agency, shifting dominant narratives, and affirming that all of us make the future. When we have the audacity to dream in public, when we begin to unleash imagination and turn it into action, we can move the world.” – U.S. Department of Arts and Culture

Stories are at the core of how we identify and express ourselves, interpret and shape our worlds, both real and imaginary. Storytelling helps us connect – to each other, to our past, to our place, to our world – and together we are empowered by our connections. Dreaming is our birthright: everyone has this capacity. Too often, however, we’re persuaded to believe our voices don’t count or that the future is determined by a powerful few. All of us together can expand the possible by telling, listening to and inventing new stories.

The SISF #DareToDream campaign 2016 reaches for some big themes: active citizenship, heritage, sustainability, creative placemaking, health and recovery, community change and transformation. We have worked with the Scottish Recovery Network, the International Futures Forum, research and design collective Lateral North, the US Department of Arts & Culture and the Scottish Storytelling Forum to create simple resources for you to use. We have also created a downloadable #DareToDream Toolkit for schools and communities.

There are lots of different ways you can join in this national action. You could create a new story or artwork inspired by your dreams. You could build an ‘Imagination Station’ in your classroom, local library or café. You could organise a local event to inspire others or host a civic conversation to activate the social imagination in your community.

The #DareToDream social media campaign will run during the main Scottish International Storytelling Festival from Friday 21st – Friday 28th  October. We will have a special #DareToDream day on Thursday 27th October. On this day, we encourage every creative citizen in Scotland to share a dream for the future on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. We will also highlight the work of local community organisations who are turning their dreams in to action.

Whether a personal dream of yours, an aspiration for the future of your local school, neighbourhood, town or city – or a dream for the future of the world – post your dreams online using the hashtags #DareToDream #CuirBrighRiBruadar and #DaurTaeDream. Our aim is to make Scotland’s collective dreaming and imagination visible for the world to see!

Join the Facebook event page:



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  1. Ld ELon says:

    Heres a story for yah ~

    The moon disrupted genesis’es cycle of life an thus a rapid distorting pattern of evolution, was broken, an is causing the ‘mass’ extinction of all species, the light at night, changed the character of life.
    The hunter an the hunted have a grace period to live ~ an die.

    Al will praise the moon God upon the specifics in precision of the cycling moon.


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