Land, Power, Media – Highlights from RIC 2016
Here’s some footage from some key talks and discussions from RIC 2016, which has become a key benchmark and gathering for progressive and radical forces. The conference in Glasgow played host to a huge array of speakers, including Scottish Green party co-convenor Patrick Harvie, RIC co-founder Cat Boyd, SNP MP and economist George Kerevan, Better than Zero activist Stella Rooney, Indian activist Chittibabu Padavala, Common Weal Director Robin McAlpine, human rights lawyer Aamer Anwar and refugee rights activist Pinar Aksu and Novara Media co-founder Aaron Bastani.
Lesley Riddoch on Democratic Deficit and Land Reform – [sorry about the audio on this is a bit choppy in bits]
Robin McAlpine: After Brexit: the Politics of a Future Referendum, on uncertainty the ‘data desert’ – and ‘what just happened’? “Was the gender gap bigger than the class gap?”
The Axis of Corruption – on media innovations and power, with Adam Ramsay, Hilary Wainright, Angela Haggerty and Mike Small
Advancing Scotland’s Land Revolution chaired by Lindsay Conn with Jen Stout, Malcolm Combe, Lincoln Richford and Liz Ely on living rent, urban land reform and how the law is changing