An Erosion of Respect
Sophie Grace-Chappell – a highly regarded Professor of Philosophy at The Open University – makes a powerful and articulate explanation of her journey from No to Yes in the latest in the series from Phantom Power films …
Journey to Yes #12
Many have made the progress from Yes to No after the bullying of a nurse by SNP MPs, MSPs and councillors suggests that Scottish Nationalism is anything but civic. I could have told them that soon after the Scottish referendum.
Evidence please. Names. Comments. Responses. etc.
These No to Yes videos all seem to have a common theme, that I still don’t really get, which is why supposedly intelligent people, including “a highly regarded Professor”, would in 2014 fall for the rather obvious deceit and lies of the British msm, the corporate vested interests and elites, and questionable Better Together ‘characters’ like Darling, Brown, Murphy, Cameron, Macdougall et al. Aye, welcome tae Aye Scotland, but….really….hiv a wird wi yersels tae.