Journey to Yes 14 – Farming
Hilary and Carey are organic farmers in South Lanark who voted No in 2014 and are now passionate Yes supporters. They are amongst 67,000 people directly employed in Scottish agriculture. The sector manages 80% of Scotland’s land mass and a further 360,000 jobs (1 in 10 of all Scottish jobs) are dependent on agriculture. Scotland’s farming community are in the frontline of damage done by the Brexit result and Hilary and Carey now face the possibility of losing their livelihood. Hilary and Carey believed the Better Together campaign’s promises about staying in EU and now see belief in ourselves and the country we want to be as the way forward …
What will happen is what happened in the US; a corporate takeover of all domestic food production, GMO crops grown using Monsanto chemicals in the soil to boost production and patented seeds, jumbo-size steroidal farm animals and the end of family farms.