From Genesis to Revelation

Ruth Davidson is your saviour, but how does this work?

The phrase – “What God thinks” – stuck out in this lovely exchange.

But if Ruth Davidson, remarkably, is the bulwark not just against the DUP deal affecting LGBTI rights in the UK, but also, and even more remarkably, the Conservative Party advancing LGBTI rights in Northern Ireland, you have to ask yourself where and when has Ruth Davidson successfully stood up against the worst Conservative policies? When exactly has this happened?

The Bedroom Tax? The Rape Clause? Benefit sanctions? The growth of food banks? Cuts to the health service? Homelessness and housing?

This is what you could call ‘particularist solidarity’. On an issue that affects her personally, she is suddenly, and completely unconvincingly motivated.

I’m struggling here to find examples of Davidson’s ability to prevent the most toxic ideas spreading across the land? Perhaps readers can help out?

Here the usually bubbly and famously media-savvy operator doesn’t like the questioning.

Looks like she’s been drinking Harp lager. Time for a sharp Brexit?


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  1. Abulhaq says:

    Davidson has focussed on what concerns her personally. So if the DUP by some miracle went ‘neutral’ on gay issues she’d might be happy for her desperate party to shack up with them.
    Of course, as we know, the DUP is about much more. It is arch-unionist, it is avowedly sectarian and has questionable links with gunmen and extremist factions on what might loosely be called the ‘far right’.
    Don’t here Davidson sounding off on that.
    She is patently an ambitious woman, a neo-unionist very much on the make. Noise about a Scottish unionist bloc fighting Scotland’s corner is part of the shpiel. Now In full flight may she take the high road to London and disappear from our history for what she represents is unalloyed political reaction.

    1. Gordon McAdam says:

      Seen lots of Tweets and below the line comments on the likes of the Guardian saying how good it would be if she could be Prime Minister. Most, if not all, of these commentors seem to be English which just shows how the MSM can manipulate peoples’ perceptions as, I assume, these people have a very limited picture of what actually has been happening in Scotland.
      I’ve now given up pointing out to them that she is a gobby, loud-mouthed creation of the media with nothing to offer aside from SNP bad.

      1. Craig P says:

        The BBC are making Ruth Davidson as surely as they made Nigel Farage.

  2. Abulhaq says:

    Davidson has focussed on what concerns her personally. So if the DUP by some miracle went ‘neutral’ on gay issues she’d might be happy for her desperate party to shack up with them.
    Of course, as we know, the DUP is about much more. It is arch-unionist, it is avowedly sectarian and has questionable links with gunmen and extremist factions on what might loosely be called the ‘far right’.
    Don’t hear Davidson sounding off on that.
    She is patently an ambitious woman, a neo-unionist very much on the make. Noise about a Scottish unionist bloc fighting Scotland’s corner is part of the shpiel. Now In full flight may she take the high road to London and disappear from our history for what she represents is unalloyed political reaction.

  3. Drew Campbell says:

    Ruth is also for the repeal of the Human Rights Act, you know the law that says everyone is human with equal rights under the law.

    Her party was barely mentioned in their election literature in Scotland; an awful lot of people voted for Ruth Davidson to “stop another divisive referendum”. They didn’t vote for her intellectual and ethical honesty.

    Which is just as well, really.

  4. J Galt says:

    The sooner they parachute her into a nice safe English Tory seat like Ken Clarke’s for instance the better!

  5. Eleanor Ferguson says:

    Ruth Davidson is not interested in how many people are living in poverty because of her government’s policies,how disabled peoples’rights are now back decades. She has consistently avoided promoting Conservative party policies in favour of brainwashing the electorate into thinking that the chance to escape the mad ness of the Westminster parliament is definitely something they don’t want and should be opposed at all costs.
    Unfortunately the SNP failed to promote the idea that the chance of independence would be a wonderful opportunity and we are left with this utter chaos-and the real possibility of having to vote again anyway after being told that another referendum would be such a terrible bother!

  6. Catriona Grigg says:

    Davidson seems to be making increasing rights for homosexuals her top priority as a politician. She certainly didn’t say much about her policies during the election campaign. She claims here to be a Christian but obviously doesn’t accept the Bible’s teaching that homosexuality is a sin.

  7. Charles Buchanan says:

    To paraphrase another
    “You talk shite hen “

  8. IJM says:

    Davidson and her (power at any cost) bunch of posh boys and laydees in WM , have just opened
    Pandoras box, with their new DUP besties. These fine chaps from NI don,t do compromise.

    She will IMO be quite happy to be ” The only gay in the village” protected from any negative
    repercussions affecting the LGBTI community. Repercussions which WILL happen due to
    aligning yourself with a group who call homosexuality an “abomination “. Wee Ruthie will
    make the same vacuous soundbites, but she wont really care. A truly narcissistic person if
    ever I saw one.

  9. Mach1 says:

    Ruth Foster, Arlene Davidson.. all the same thing. Beyond them are constituencies wondering how the hell they managed to through the feeble Mrs May a lifeline which could see a continuation of the policies that have created fundamental left-right divisions across the UK and which could, hopefully, break it apart irrevocably. Davidson’s empty sounding off about gay rights was intended to distract from two things: the leader to whom she pledged her loyalty has effectively lost the election, and her authority; the Tories are fundamentally divided on the economics of Brexit. Even Ruth recognises that closing the door to the single market and freedom of movement is suicide for the regions, and in particular the rural constituencies she managed to rally to her banner.
    That she managed to concurrently argue that a Tory government that wants free trade would punish an independent Scotland by putting up a hard border really only shows how feeble the media in Scotland is (or should I say suppine). Davidson has no power. Come the next election, unless she finds some more cash down the back of a sofa, there is no way foolish anti-Corbynites will vote Tory, especially with David Davis at the helm.
    Meanwhile, the underlying stats, of economic performance and confidence are beginning to go into reverse. Our only route out is more power to the Scottish parliament leading to independence. If Ruth really has power, what concessions can she prove she has wrested from T May’s cold dead hand?

  10. Alf Baird says:

    The tragedy of recent events suggests, paradoxically, that there is probably now slightly more chance of Ruth Davidson campaigning for Scotland’s independence than Nicola Sturgeon. Similar to New Labour’s ‘revelation’ that “we don’t do God”, the SNP have now been saying since 2014 that “we don’t do independence”. I never thought I would see the day that the SNP “don’t do independence”. Even with 56 MP’s they did diddly-squat with that overwhelming Scottish majority, ditto 35 now. Any other ex UK colony would have been offski by now, whilst our ‘parcel of rogues’ continue to sit on Westminster’s benches taking the unionist siller.

    1. Meg says:

      I think that is very unfair. What exactly could the 56 MPs in Westminster have done about Independence? They are totally outnumbered in the Chamber. The reference to a parcel of rogues is particularly inappropriate. We need to have representation in Westminster and personally rhe large number of the SNP members in the last Parliament did an extremely good job.
      Now is the time for good political strategy to come in to play, work out what went wrong and work on fixing it. No point in having an Indy Ref if you don’t stand a good chance of winning. Leave the right to call for an Indy Ref on the table but wait to see what the washup of Brexit and this Tory minority Government is and then see if there is more of an appetite for Independence.

      1. Alf Baird says:

        “What exactly could the 56 MPs in Westminster have done about Independence?”

        Declare it!

        Much like any other national party winning a majority of seats across its nation. And thus bring a democratic end to the union of parliaments, and rather more democratic than the dubious way it began.

        “We need to have representation in Westminster”

        That’s just silly, and is surely the last thing an independent Scotland needs.

  11. Thomas Dolan says:

    I fought for my right to be as a gay man in the 1970s on the streets of Glega and have never stopped..
    For some mealy mouthed Tory like Ruth Davidson to think its ok for her party to join up with scum like the DUP and then in the same breath say she stands up for LGBTI rights..Not on yer life. Ruth Davidson promotes nothing but Ruth Davidson, she is the most dangerous type of homophobe there can be.. If this goes ahead it will put back LGBTI rights decades…
    It is Not ok..

    1. Catriona Grigg says:

      Well said!

  12. Mach1 says:

    SNP losses clearly influenced by tactical voting by pro-Union Labour voters. Indyref2 an easy platform for Arlene Davidson to push in a targeted campaign, however it was funded. Anyways, Arlene D, sorry Ruth Foster, now has to pretend that her party is what New Labour ultimately became, the red Tories.
    SNP needs to screw the nut and realise that the Tories are a disaster happening, and the DUP link is the kiss of death for anyone who claims to have any progressive sentiment at all.
    A Scotland represented by a DUP-friendly but somehow nationalist Foster Davidson is a dangerous absurdity. Pro-Union red Tories will surely realise their mistake next time round. We should then look forward for the Scottish Tories to go the way of the dodo.
    Let’s hold the line on independence, our dream of hope.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Ross Thomson, now recently elected MP for Aberdeen had similar bizarre and backward views.

    I once shared a classroom with him. I remember vividly he stated homosexually was wrong and argued against gay marriage as it was the party line at the time. Most in the room were appalled.

    This was despite the fact he was clearly in the closet and is now in a civil partnership- he would sell out his principles and very core for the the sake of his career and party.

    I often worry that someone of his standing is gaining more and more power and vital connections. It was a ridiculous at first when he became a councillor but someone as vacuous as him should never be allowed to rise to prominence.

    Hopefully the electorate will see through the Scottish Tories.

    1. Mrs Ross Thomson says:

      I agree with every word !

  14. Eleanor Ferguson says:

    Both Theresa May and Ruth Davidson proclaim their Christianity, yet see nothing wrong in their policies which are the direct opposite of what Christ taught. These are the worst kind of “Christians”,but unfortunately they are never questioned and in fact the MSM who should be pointing out all the terrible damage that is being done, seem to ignore that and concentrate on the idea that the chance to escape the utter mess that has been created should be denied to us. There must be a few people in Scotland who think that the Tories won here if they watch the news. The fact that people in Scotland were brainwashed and even encouraged by Labour to vote Tory, from the position of being cushioned from Tory policies here by the ‘divisive’ SNP- you just couldn’t make it up-and what we have now is somehow better than independence?

    1. Catriona Grigg says:

      With Davidson it’s not just her policies, it’s also the way she lives which is in defiance of Christ. On a personal level we can pray for them to learn something of Christian morality. Publicly we must work to replace them with folk more worthy of our respect.

  15. Eleanor Ferguson says:

    I made my comment as a” humanist” if I must have a label, so don’t have an opinion regarding Ruth Davidson’s lifestyle. However,I do object to self proclaimed Christians promoting the cruel and selfish policies that the Tories are responsible for without being questioned.
    The media seem give them a very easy ride considering that their policies are responsible for an extra 4 million children living in poverty and an extra 30,000 deaths since 2010.

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