True Divide
It’s funny when politicians deride those advocating change in Scotland as stirring up “division”. The true division is a society disfigured by poverty and inequality, a reality becoming more extreme year on year. The Ferret’s Karin Goodwin has this captured in a harrowing report “‘Horrifying’ numbers of homeless people are dying on Edinburgh’s streets”:
“Figures reveal that at least 18 homeless people – more than one every three weeks – died on the streets of Scotland’s capital city in just one year. The City of Edinburgh Council statistics – obtained through a freedom of information request – show that ten men and eight women assessed to be homeless died while sleeping rough between April 2015 and March 2016. Campaigners and charities said the numbers of people dying in Edinburgh, which is the 16th richest city in Europe, were “shameful” and “unacceptable”. She continues:
“The newly released figures come just weeks after it was revealed that 39 street homeless people had died in Glasgow between May 2016 and March 2017, highlighting a growing crisis in the west coast city. The “truly awful” Edinburgh figures show that two of the 18 who died were under 30 with the majority in the 30–50 age bracket.” Read the full piece here.
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Over west Radical Glasgow report on the ‘poverty surge’:
“The never ending downward spiral of poverty continues at an ever increasing rate, and still our political ballerinas spout their crap about a strong economy. Figures from the Office of National Statistics, (ONS) (“Number of Britons enduring ‘persistent’ poverty surges by 700,000 in a year, figures show’) show the extent to which we in this country are sliding down the toilet, though I have no doubt, under the insane capitalist system, the picture is repeated in countries across the globe. According to the ONS figures, in 2015, 7.3% of the UK population, approximately 4.6 million people were living in persistent poverty, (Persistent poverty described as living in relative poverty in the current year and at least two of the three preceding years) this is an increase of 18% on the previous year 2014. In human terms, this means an extra 700,000 individuals joining the ranks of the misery and anxiety of persistent poverty, in the 6th. richest country in the world.” [from Radical Glasgow]
The image above is artwork by Norrie Harman available through his online platform (House of Hyena) – for only £14.95 (inc P&P). Thanks to Norrie for use of the image.
but what was the cause of death? Disease, deprivation, or drugs?
Yes, W.B. I would like to know all the reasons surrounding the deaths along with any background info. Homelessness is a blight on our society but as I’ve found out in the past there are some people that you sadly just can’t help.
I want a society that will always try to help
You want to try living on the street – with no hope of redemption or succour – and see if you can avoid disease, deprivation or drugs. We’re talking about your fellow human beings here, or are you not human?
The rankness of capitalism is the cause of all poverty, and society needs to change in order to save its’ self. You’re pal Charles Gallagher, below, and you are representative of the worst types of head-in-the-sand ignoramuses who constantly blame the victims for their misfortunes. We live in one of the wealthiest nations on Earth, so why are people living on the streets? Personally, I blame your kind of greed which refuses to share.
Everyone can be helped, even if it’s just through empathy and warmth of feeling, a touch on the shoulder, a listen, human friendliness not disdain.