Catalonia Caledonia


(The Falangists reappear on the streets of Barcelona 1.10.17)

If they were given permission by the Angel of History
to be confounded by their brutality
rather than be reassured by the state
so simply of their power
then the light might shine
brighter across the strath of the World
instead of the boot & the baton
gaining purchase by the hour
as the new morality

but they do not seek any permission
or care how they are seen
they have already lost & they lose much more
falling from the manner to the matter in hate
they put their red caps on


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Comments (2)

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  1. Willie says:

    Let us see what the EU does as the world watches the deployment of a Nazi paramilitary to smash a democratic vote.

    One can see exactly how an unarmed society is an exposed society, and maybe, just maybe, if people had intervened earlier to fight the 1930’s Nazi menace, then the holocaust would not have happened.

    These scenes could be straight out of that era, and sad to say, our own UK government is siding itself with the Madrid Government. But maybe that is because they are exactly the same, and would do exactly the same, as they have done the world over, and more recently during the miners strike or in relatively recent Northern Ireland.

    And do we think Scotland would be any different if they couldn’t have rigged the referendum. Of course not, ourvown history of the Clearances, and the destruction of the Scottish way of life post 1745 tells us that as well.

    We have catch’d Scotchland, and will hold her fast.

  2. George Gunn says:

    Dear Wull
    I lived through the miners strike of 1884 -85. in Edinburgh and Fife. All the shadows fell from my eyes then, So sad to see it re-surface in Catalonia -such a beautiful and proud people. If nobody says anything now, if we do not protest, who is to say the British state will not revert to type come the next Scottish independence referendum?

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