Catalonia, Europe, Power, Protest

10 points about the developing situation in Catalonia from Jonathon Shafi.

1. The situation in Catalonia has evolved into something more than a movement for democracy. It has opened a door that many want to shut.

‪2. The violence of the state and the impotence of European institutions has exposed the reality of how power works.‬

3. On the other hand, the mobilisation of the people has shown that mass action can win.

4. This combination of events is happening in front of millions of Europeans, and overlaps onto the post 2008 crisis.

5. This is the primary reason why mainstream media coverage is not what it should be. People must not be inspired by a revolt from below.

6. This also means the Catalan establishment have two fronts to consider: Spain, and the new movement.

7. That movement is at its core a radical, democratic, self organised and anti-system manifestation.

8. That is why the biggest crisis facing the EU is Catalonia. Not just because of Spanish fragmentation. But because there are multi-layered consequences.

‪9. So – what happens now will shape something much wider than Catalan independence. It will shape Europe.‬

10 Lastly, that battle is part of a longer term war for what our society is based on. Democracy and need, or corporate rule and profit.


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  1. Humble Bumble says:
    Sean Connery for Scottish Monarch 2017.

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