JFK Again
Suspicion that Trump getting everyone to focus on the JFK assassination (again) is to distract from the torrent of corruption of his regime may be well founded, but unlike more contemporary conspiracy theory much of the JFK work focuses on power and shines a light on the most romanticised era of recent US history. This is parapolitics “a system or practice of politics in which accountability is consciously diminished”…or “one manifestation of deep politics, all those political practices and arrangements, deliberate or not, which are usually repressed rather than acknowledged.”
No-one has done more on this in the UK than Robin Ramsay, editor of Lobster magazine and author of Smear: Wilson and the Secret State, The Rise of New Labour, and Who Shot JFK? amongst others.
The Winter 2017 edition of the magazine has a series of articles returning to the issue. In it he argues:
“Many JFK researchers are waiting for the disclosure of all the remaining CIA documents, apparently hoping they will show something significant. They won’t: no collection of official papers will have been more carefully ‘weeded’. We are probably stuck with what we have. There may be some further revelations in memoirs and confessions, but on past performance JFK researchers will ignore or trash them as they did the accounts of Chauncey Holt and E. Howard Hunt.
It was in the early 90s that Holt first publicly claimed that he was one of the three ‘tramps’ photographed while under police escort on Dealey Plaza after the assassination. His testimony is almost universally ignored these days, however, having apparently been discredited. But as I have shown,6 Holt’s critics got that wrong. The trashing of the confession of Hunt has been no more rational.7 I find this strange. You might think that the researchers would welcome such insider memoirs/confessions, especially when both accounts refer to the CIA, the solution to the assassination favoured by most of them; and Holt’s posthumous memoir confirms the picture of the Agency which had been pieced together over the last half century by the researchers: it was working with the Mob and illegally operating within the USA.
Chauncey Holt reported that he was sent to Dallas by his CIA contact to take part in an anti-Castro event being run by the then head of the CIA’s Cuba desk, Desmond Fitzgerald; and while he was there saw other CIA contract agents like himself.
‘The area of Dealey Plaza was swarming with contract agents of the CIA, dissident Latins and terrorists, right-wingers and many organised crime figures.’
Holt implied, rather than stated, that the Agency was behind the assassination but believed that the real authors of the conspiracy – which he thought was a brilliant operation – would never be identified.”
See Still Thinking About Dallas by Ramsay.
See also ‘A bullet to the head for the James Files JFK ‘confession’ by Garrick Alder and ‘Deception and distraction strategies relating to the John F Kennedy Assassination’ by the same.
Back issues of Lobster are available here.
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Thanks for posting that footage, it’s quite incredible in the perspective, and detail.
As stated, the documents will have been carefully weeded years ago. The one odd piece emerging is the tip off to a British newspaper!
Oliver Stone’s magnificent movie ‘JFK’ tells all that is required.
Oliver Stones film ‘JFK’ is one of the principal reasons why so many Americans are misinformed about the assassination. The film is wrong on so many fronts; it’s portrayal of JFK as an anti-communist who wanted peace and who wanted to end the Vietnam war (and therefore was murdered by his own government) is offensive when presented against the truth of history. Rather than a radical liberal as Stone suggests, the real JFK was a cold warrior who started Vietnam and increased military spending. He was also up to his neck in illegal plots to assassinate Castro and sabotage the Cuban economy. He also prevaricated on civil rights legislation. The real JFK is a very different figure from the liberal hero portrayed by Hollywood.
Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK and he acted alone. Tests showed that he fired a weapon that day; he had no alibi during the time of the shooting; the gun used was traceable to him by mail order; his fingerprints were on the weapon; work colleagues said he arrived at work with a large parcel on the morning of the shooting (the gun); he left his wedding ring at home on the date of the assassination and acted very odd in the days leading up to the shooting; his wife and brother are both 100% convinced that Lee Oswald shot JFK….
If you are interested in a critique of Stone’s ‘JFK’ the following link to an article in the Guardian is worth reading: