from Gàidhlig Gu Leòr – Apple Clips
This video DESTROYS anti-Gaelic bigotry in just SIXTY seconds… Wow!
We literally spent £20 million on this video – money well spent smashing Gaelic myths from the Empire State and beyond…
from Gàidhlig Gu Leòr – Apple Clips
This video DESTROYS anti-Gaelic bigotry in just SIXTY seconds… Wow!
We literally spent £20 million on this video – money well spent smashing Gaelic myths from the Empire State and beyond…
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The prevailing Irish term is close: “héileacaptar”.
Also found in Irish is the lesser-used: “ingearán” (based on a term for “vertical”/“perpendicular”).
Example Irish sentences:
“Is píolóta ingearáin í.”
(”She’s a helicopter pilot.”)
“Tá buíonta SWAT anois ar an bhfód a bhfuil ingearáin agus meaisínghunnaí acu.”
(“SWAT teams are now on the scene with helicopters and machine-guns.”)
Fhuair mi sanas an-diugh bhom bhall-pàrlamaid gum bi “Summer Surgeries” aige. Bha an dà fhacal Beurla ud sa Ghàidhlig cuideachd. Chòrd sin rium gun teagamh. Ach leig mi cnead asam nuair a chunnaic mi cho fada ’s a bha a’ Ghàidhlig an coimeas ris a’ Bheurla:
Summer Surgeries.
Coinneamhan-chomhairleachaidh an t-Samhraidh.
Ged nach eil seo ceàrr a thaobh gràmair, tha e gu math doirbh a leughadh. Agus bhiodh e nas dorra buileach ann an ceann-litrichean:
Tha fhios nach eil fuasgladh furasta daonnan ann, ach mar a thachras e an triop seo tha facal ri làimh sna faclairean a nì feum: “freastal-lann”. Mar sin, dh’fhaodadh tionndadh nas giorra a bhith againn mar a leanas, is dòcha –
Summer Surgeries.
Freastal-lannan Samhraidh.
Is beag an t-iongnadh mur eil heileacoptair na Gàidhlig ag èirigh air iteig cho sgiobalta ‘s a bu toigh leinn. Tha cuideam do-ghiùlan neo-eaconamach de lidean ‘s de litrichean ri togail aige fiù ‘s mas gabh e os làimh obair shaothrachail mar an Sikorsky mhòr seo fheuchainn…
Yes of course. Words are borrowed promiscuously all the time. Most English words are of German/Anglo-Saxon or Norman/French origin for starters. ‘Tsunami’ is a contemporary example of an import.
The Academie Française tries to moderate neologisms into French ‘Ordinateure’ is their French for ‘computer’. ‘Riomhaire’ is the (Irish) Gaelic equivalent. Do we need an ‘Academie’ to generate words?