I despair of our Leaders

Personally, he is not a man to mince words.

Personally, he would wear neither mask nor gloves.


Personally, he is sure it is an enemy hoax.

Personally, he would not think twice about shaking hands.


Personally, he believes it will be gone miraculously by Easter.

Personally, he may have infected his pregnant lover.


Personally, he suspects it is a foreign plot.

Personally, he is sure that if enough people die, all will be well.


Personally, he would happily try the untested drug, why not?

Personally, he is certain the great people of his country will prevail.


Personally, he would shrink to fight the genius bug, mano a mano.

Personally, he is ready to take one for the team.


Personally, he thinks sick bodies should be blasted with light.

Personally, he is recovering well on his country estate.


Personally, he is injecting disinfectant into his lungs.

Personally, he hasn’t worked for quite a while.


They talk, our leaders, on the phone, reassuring people –

What terrific guys, doing such great jobs, true friends.


We’re in good hands.


Testimony of the Untested’, a daily lockdown poetry series by Robert Alan Jamieson, who is in recovery from a corona-like virus. You can read his other works here.

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