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Ha, yes, I was thinking of ‘moonshine’ when I saw this story. Moonshine too is the pitifully unconvincing character played by Robin Starveling, one of the rude mechanicals in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. And moonshine is all that the UK public are likely to see from paying for Boris Johnson’s plunders and blunders as we are plunged into such a dark midwinter night as many will not live through.
Indeed Sleeping Dog, that’s exactly what I was thinking “Moonshine”
Yet while I and many others were enjoying Boris’s feck ups, adding to Pro Indy poll figures and convincing those not yet convinced to vote to get away from him and Westminster
There is a cost in human lives, I’m a bit humbled and reminded why I’m so passionate about our Independence.
Once one has made up one’s mind based on fact and conscience, we strive towards that solution. But I for one stand to be reminded, being under Westminster actually hurts people.
Thank you, I needed reminding!