Democracy for Sale: Dark Money and Dirty Politics – Peter Geoghegan Interviewed
Our book of the week this week is Democracy for Sale: Dark Money and Dirty Politics by the investigative journalist Peter Geogehan, chair of The Ferret and contributor to openDemocracy and Bella Caledonia. In this series we review the book and interview the author.
The book has been a tremendous success – partly because its well researched and beautifully written – but partly because its published at the very time when Britain is disintegrating under the weight of its own venality and corruption, John Naughton has described it as:
” .. a compulsively readable, carefully researched account of how a malignant combination of rightwing ideology, secretive money (much of it from the US) and weaponisation of social media have shaped contemporary British (and to a limited extent, European) politics. And it has been able to do this in what has turned out to be a regulatory vacuum – with laws, penalties and overseeing authorities that are no longer fit for purpose.”
Interview by our colleagues Paul and Gerry McCann from Not Another Fake Newscast: