Kirstin Innes Interview

In our latest ‘Bella Chat’ Jim Monaghan talks to author Kirstin Innes about her latest novel Scabby Queen and a whole lot of other things from weans to tories.

You can find out more about Kirstin at

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  1. Лариса says:

    I don t think it s terminal, though. I don t think Scotland is incurably tongue-tied; especially not now we ve got to start really examining who and what we are. There s hunners of energy and enthusiasm for the new and the possible in recent start-ups like Bella Caledonia   and  Cargo Publishing. There should be more like them. I m sure any Australians reading this would scoff and say, no, that s not really what it s like, not at all, and I admit my full-on crush on Melbourne is colouring the way I see things. But if it s also inspiring me to do more than write just to pay the bills, that s got to be a good thing, no?

  2. Alan Bissett says:

    Best writer in Scotland. Just sayin.

  3. babs nicgriogair says:

    Wonderful discussion ! Intelligent, playful, and truthful – made my night .
    Fab novel too by the way. Thankyou both !

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