ConterLive – with Kevin McKenna, Catriona MacDonald, Adam Ramsay and Jonathon Shafi

A rich discussion from Conter Live with Kevin McKenna, Catriona MacDonald, Adam Ramsay and Jonathon Shafi about the Holyrood elections and the paucity of radical politics …

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  1. John Gurk says:

    The more the SNP delays on independence the more time they are giving Westminster to undermine the devolution settlement and I think some of the grassroots movement is becoming frustrated.

    1. gahetacicl says:

      Yes, and they’ve already gone off and formed the ALBA party. Conveniently for the managerialists though, this is a party of “bigots”, in spite of the fact that they contain the SNP’s own recently elected Women’s Convenor, Equality Convenor, and 2 o the SNP’s most prominent socialists from the Common Weal group, and just published a social democratic manifesto to the left of the SNP in key areas. But never mind, they’re homophobes.

      Funny how everyone who upsets the comfortable status quo turns out to be bigots, isn’t it. It’s almost like there is a sort of subtle system of gatekeeping and of incentives to figure out ways to paint everyone inconvenient to power (including devolved power) as beyond the pale. Pure Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent.

      1. Paddy Farrington says:

        There are many parties “to the left of the SNP”, including several non-bigot non-homophobic ones. That’s the easy bit. The hard bit is getting any traction among the Scottish people, and on that score it seems ALBA is not even bothering to try. Not long to wait before we find out how it works out.

  2. Cathie Lloyd says:

    Shame to start with the exhausting negativity of McKenna

    1. MBC says:

      McKenna and Shafi both expect the Scottish Government to deliver as a proper government, forgetting that the Scottish Parliament which it serves is only a devolved administration without the sovereign power of a state. It depresses me that they can’t see that. An industrial strategy? What planet is Shafi on? McKenna. Not delivering for the poorest? How on earth can a devolved administration fix the deep seated problems of poverty in post-industrial Scotland?

  3. Alasdair Macdonald says:

    “Too little, too late”? What does that mean? Is it another way of saying, ‘we’re all doomed?

  4. Tartan says:

    I’m surprised Catriona MacDonald had time to spare from chalking the pavements asking folk to vote for her. Dreadful candidate that doesn’t stand up for the Eye Pavillion replacement.

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