Withered Hand and a New Brave Music World

Welcome to the New Brave World, where the residents lustfully peep into their tiny, wee squares.

These glimpses into the world are forever leaving an imprint on the other citizens’ minds, full of craving and flesh, exposing all that is to expose.

Please see me, love me.

The gaze.

Yet, the moaning, flexing and stretching we are witnessing online. The pouting, licking and flirting that reaches us, into your bedrooms, toilets, and the more private domains of our sheer existence is all a facade, another fake reality of something you could have, something you could be and yet …

Dan Willson’s record How To Love has been released and the tour started this week arriving in Edinburgh on the 28th of April (Liquid Room). Withered Hand is sharing stories about Crippled Love and recovery.


I had the absolute honour to create the images for Dan and when I shared the tour poster this morning I noticed something rather unsettling.

“This content can’t be recommended to non-followers”

“Your post may go against our guidelines of sexual activity or nudity”

The photograph, Dan Willson’s body, in that pose we rest in, for nine months, before we decide to come into this unknown world.

The Birth.

Behind the scene of visibility and money-making, power structures (Meta) are directing reach and sales.

Please see me, love me.


Only God knows the power that lies within Dan’s music.

Only the goddess understands the significance that his album (art and music) is having on a whole new not-so-brave world.

A place where there is no space for a whole person.

The God that wears his crown of a full existence. Where nakedness is not about six-packs, but writing songs direct from the source, that eternally vulnerable place that holds the true strength.

To be alive, fully.

And with this complexity of us people, I noticed that social media just don’t get it, or perhaps Meta just doesn’t like it.

As a matter of fact, when the complexity of LIFE reaches social media it gets removed and censured. What would happen if we were just content?

These kinds of images of men are too confusing, for reach, deals and the commercial market.

I know one thing, Withered Hand’s music is very powerful.

So mighty even Instagram is restricting his pristine image, like a hidden idol of the heavens, the full kingdom of what A Man Is. I mean, what would the world look like if we witnessed a bare/brave man, a raw human full of vitality and pure existence?

A man that trusts his voice. A man who is ready to share it with the rest of the world.

With words from his heart and images created by When The Blackbird Sings/Jannica Honey.

Aww, you haven’t heard about her?

I am not surprised… she is hidden, in the shadows, with a shadow-ban longer than Giza’s shadow on the winter solstice.

Withered Hand on Bandcamp here.

Withered Hand on Instagram here.

Jannica Honey’s work here/

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  1. MRS P M McKenna says:

    I don’t know if I’ll like the music but this beautifully written and timely article has made me want to listen to it.

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