For a Scottish Republic

Dear Editor,  

The vibrant AUOB demonstration in Glasgow, on May 6th, like others on the day – the Our Republic/Radical Independence Campaign demonstration on Calton Hill, and the Edinburgh May Day march, all inspired their participants.  Therefore, it is pity that Kevin McKenna;s Herald report on 8thMay, which describes the atmosphere of the AUOB demo well, is marred by petty divisive slurs.  

The Calton Hill demo had been organised before the AUOB demo.  It was part of the wider Republic/Our Republic demonstrations organised in London, Cardiff and Oxford.  And it was the draconian UK state/London Metropolitan Police clampdown in Trafalgar Square, which very publicly revealed the necessity not just for republican Scottish, Welsh and Irish breakaways from toxic ‘Brexit Britain plc’, but the need for a new English Commonwealth.  

Furthermore, the Calton Hill demo did not clash with the AUOB demonstration as McKenna implies.  This had already been organised from 3.00 – 5.00 pm to accommodate the Edinburgh May Day march and rally from 11.30 am.  Many came to Calton Hill from this rally, whilst some also came from the earlier AUOB demonstration in Glasgow.  RIC also advised our supporters in the west, that if it was more convenient, to attend the AUOB march.  We have joined AUOB demonstrations on many occasions before.

McKenna as a journalist misuses his position to make the completely unsubstantiated jibe that the Calton Hill rally was “organised mainly by those for whom it is little more than a business opportunity and who have drawn on the rewards that have come with it.”  

And later “While we were marching and organising and knocking on doors; that shower on Calton Hill were all filling their boots.” No names, just innuendo and frankly lies, demonstrating his own petty grudges.  

The organisers of the Calton Hill were Our Republic and RIC.  We, along with AUOB, have also shown “what real commitment and hard graft for a cause looks and feels like”.  More recently, for example, in the face of considerable state intimidation, we protested the royal proclamation at St. Giles Cathedral.  

It was in this spirit that AUOB organiser Joe Cassidy wrote back to me, prior to events on May 6th.  “I hope we both have an eventful day on the 6th.  Our right to self determination has to made clear to all of the people of Scotland.”  This is the spirit in which the events across Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland on that day should be reported and celebrated.  


Allan Armstrong, Radical Independence Campaign  


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  1. GERARD Carlin says:


  2. Squigglypen says:

    If the Sots want to be truly finally free of little england… they must STAND TOGETHER. We must not allow the corrupt english media the opportunity to sow the seeds of division. Keep arguing folks. That way you will achieve zilch and little england can smirk and say ..see they shouldn’t be allowed to run their own country.(too wee too stupid too poor.) Anyway we own them..they are our possesssion ..not a country…not like dear old england.
    Just imagine the Bruce saying canny come intae oor army cos we don’t like yer flag. He trained his followers into schiltrons carrying very sharp pikes and most importantly of all a terrifying determination to not retreat but go forward for Scotland against tremendous odds…and we know what happened.
    Today we face the same tremendous odds. We have to stand together. We don’t carry pikes but Saltires.. but we sure as hell must show the same deadly determination that those medieval Scottish warriors showed as they went forward for Scotland.
    For Scotland!

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