Cleaning the Augean Stables

Cleaned out the Augean Stables which is Bella’s Comments section.

This editor has a lot of patience, but it is not infinite.

People are welcome to come and disagree and argue all day and all night long and share dissenting views and tell me this is all rubbish. What you are not welcome to do is to spread smear and lies or to carry on a sustained attack to bring the site down or ignore any advice to change behaviour.

A reminder of our Comments Policy here.

Comments (5)

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  1. Cathie Lloyd says:

    Sorry to hear of your problems. Its often quite a positive place to discuss

  2. Tim Hoy says:

    For what it’s worth, I find this site to contain the least amount of nonsense on it (I read quite a few including many social media sites, although I abandoned twitter 2 years ago). Occasionally I see posts on here that seriously question whether the person posting them has read the rules or even the article itself. I love a lively debate and Bella Caledonia is one of only a few I actually subscribe to for this reason. Sorry that trawling the puerile and petty nonsense speakers takes so much time. Maybe recruit someone to clean the bog every now and then?

  3. Fay Kennedy says:

    I am sorry to hear this Mike as I look forward to all the articles you write and have learned things I never knew. Your writing is much needed. Thanks.

  4. Margaret McNeil says:

    Sorry to hear about your difficulties, Mike. Some of the best articles I read are on Bella and I have my favourite writers -writers who inspire, make me think, entertain – generally brighten up the start of my day. I now skim the comments section, missing out those who just like the sound of their own (not very pleasant) voices. Thanks Mike.

  5. Dougie Blackwood says:

    Bella carries a very wide range of topics, not all of which are of interest. I would not decry the site on that basis as many of the articles are enlightening and well worthwhile. Unfortunately some comments degenerate into unnecessary repetition or slagging but at that stage it is simple to withdraw from that topic.

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