Where Old Testament Law Meets MAGA

An amazing insight into America’s religious far-right from the inside. Dara Starr Tucker interviews Frank Schaeffer on the American white nationalist theocracy movement who believe in reintroducing slavery and hanging gay people. Eye-opening/jaw-dropping insights into America’s far-right and how close to power they are.


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  1. Derek Williams says:

    Yes, the OT also decrees that you murder your kid if he is rude to you or disobeys you, same as in all Abrahamic religious holy books. Diabled people are forbidden from entering church and a host of others.

    1. Derek Williams says:

      Typo: “disabled”

  2. SteveH says:

    I don’t know who’s the funniest. Them for coming out with such nonsense and thinking the American public will support it, or you for crying wolf saying these nutcases are actually a credible threat?

    1. Derek Williams says:

      “These nutcases” backed the Jan 6 Riot at the Capitol, they elected Trump, thereafter supporting his claims of a rigged 2020 election, and going by current polling, stand a solid chance of electing him again. Moreover, they currently control the House of Representatives, in which they have killed US military support for Ukraine’s defence against the Russian invasion, and are winding back LGBT+ rights in every state they govern. One could go on to how they initially supported Marjorie Taylor-Greene’s nominations for the Education and Labor Committees, right after she claimed that the Californian forest fires were started by “Jewish space lasers”, and that they continue to elevate her standing in the Congress but that’s enough for one comment.

  3. Satan says:

    A lot closer to home, don’t forget the wee free in ’23 candidate who nearly became first minister of Scotland. I don’t think the USA has ever had a hard-line evangelical Christian in charge, but we nearly did.

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