Pankaj Mishra: The Shoah after Gaza

This talk from Pankaj Mishra offers a powerful series of insights into the historical background behind the current crisis in Palestine.

Mishra delivered his lecture as part of the LRB’s Winter Lecture series at St James’s Church, Clerkenwell, London on 28 February 2024.

“A powerful Western narrative holds the Shoah to be the incomparable crime of the modern era. But we find our moral and political consciousness profoundly altered when Israel, a country founded as a haven for the victims of genocidal racism, is itself charged with genocide. What is the fate of universal values after Israel’s collapse into violent nationalism.”

Comments (6)

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  1. Peter Breingan says:

    Thank you for this talk.
    Learning the history of Palestine is a painful but essential experience if you wish to understand how we have arrived here.
    How many people are going to spend an hour listening to a pure unadulterated story free from lies?.

  2. Meg Macleod says:

    Thankyou .I have shared this and hope it will be shared onwards….

  3. Lois says:

    Thank you, once again, Bella Caledonia.

  4. SleepingDog says:

    A measured, largely well-articulated, surely well-informed call for universalism over exceptionalism. I guess the London Review of Books sponsorship could explain the bias towards literary sources and concerns, and Pankaj Mishra’s research interest in angry and resentful young men the limited female perspectives. When a suitable article presents, we might discuss Israel’s war on Gaza’s environment.

    On Bloodthirsty Joe Biden, I found this letter from a bereaved Irish mother, it says:

  5. Paddy Farrington says:

    Thank you for making this lecture available. There is so much to think about there.

  6. Cathie Lloyd says:

    Such an important contribution. Needs to be widely heard.

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