Memorial: Catherine Wilson Garry and Alec Finlay

From the Poetry Library’s Lantern poetry podcast.

Poetry enables elagy and helps us remember the past, and those who have passed. What does this mean in public and private spheres?

Attitudes of memory and memorial are integral to the work of poets Catherine Wilson Garry and Alec Finlay, and they join Kathleen Jamie and Ally Heather to explore this evocative theme.

To access poetry for free in person, via post, or online, please find details at the Scottish Poetry Library website here.


Comments (5)

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  1. mark leslie edwards says:

    Bide awa frae the fanny,
    wis fit we wur taught.
    Bide awa frae the manny,
    wis fit we thought.

    The leaders said 2 metres,
    ma old boy wurkt in feet,
    finivir he built a shed
    the joab wis daen hail neat.

    All leaders ivir dae
    is try tae trip folk up,
    so stick yer heid oan straight
    & nivir trust tae luck.

  2. mark leslie edwards says:

    tv or not tv
    Trubbl is, sun ae Andra,
    farm laborir, conservatove/ nom dè form, M.C.,
    born in thi year ov wur lord, 2003,
    in thi darkist den ov iniquity,
    maist fowkies receiving medallions
    wind up brain deid, pushn up daisies
    afore their time, alongside them they huv maimed,
    murdrd, mutilatid, rendirt disabld, slawtrd
    like so moany heid ae cattl
    in ordr tae accumulate thi numbr ae pints requird
    afore oany sich accilade/honour in the shape
    ae sum seen tae be forgottin dust gathrin trinket/bauble
    can be justifiably bistowed upoan thir person
    at the ripe ald age ae 50. Finally, deemd
    wurthy ov yon medieval style ceremoany
    sae sinister, anti-meanister, anachronistic,
    simplistic, somnambulistic, oanly ivir serving
    tae rimind wansel less ae a gude kickup the jacksy
    than sum centuries ald diabolical, dramatical,
    tragicomical tradition wie its teleological trajectory
    taewards the hackneyed, sleazy, bashful & breezy,
    blearily red eyed, blud shot & weary,
    perturbin, deeply disturbin denouemont far the higher
    the hill ae disease riddin corpses,
    the mair rancid the stench ae rottin flesh,
    the mair putrid the run aff maun be
    in oany subsequential instalment ov
    yon greater jester less edutainment
    judged as fit tae be screend.

  3. mark leslie edwards says:

    My yungist (skool teacher,
    regular attendir at the Ebineezir)
    wis daen sum grand a module
    course, courtesy ov the Uni.

    Fin it came tae Clach vs. County
    thir wis bound to be a gude bounty,
    my advice, while laid up in traction,
    wis that simple course ov action,

    expect anuthir 2 nillir
    afore it turns intae a thrillir.

  4. mark leslie edwards says:

    a strupach or twa
    wul dae me, it’s either that
    or the TCP

  5. mark says:

    gitn intae ma scratch
    fin I git hame, & nivir
    gan oot ivir again

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