Atlantic Ocean Currents

This is a talk by Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf, Head of Earth System Analysis at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research & professor of Physics of the Oceans at Potsdam University, on dramatic changes in Atlantic ocean currents. It’s already had over 1m views.

Here my half-hour presentation in Vilnius a week ago!

Comments (3)

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  1. david says:

    Tricky. This interests me a lot. Not using twitter is very important to me. I shall think about this, but I expect I shall skip it. I note that I have to enable java script to post this reply. Another dilemma.

    1. Hazel says:

      By now you may have discovered it can be accessed on YouTube ( if that is any better a choice? ) look for – Tipping risk of the Atlantic Ocean’s overturning circulation, AMOC. Keynote by Prof. Rahmstorf

  2. John McLeod says:

    A bleak future for Scotland.
    Are we – collectively – and out government – doing anything near enough to prevent this catastrophic tipping point?
    We are leaving our children and grandchildren a terrible legacy.

    Please watch this video.

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