Donate today to support the people of Gaza

Today is a day for practical action, here are several charities and funds you can donate to directly to make a difference:

The Sameer Project  is a donations based aid initiative for Gaza led by Palestinians. Go here to donate towards the cost of tents, diapers, milk, food and medical aid. The Sameer Project | Instagram | Linktree

Crips for eSims for Gaza is a collaboration between Jane Shi, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, and Alice Wong. Disabled people around the world are raising funds to get as many eSims as we can into Gaza.

“We want to get money and resources directly to Palestinians in Gaza, however, as many people know, the blockade has made it almost impossible to get cash and resources into Gaza. One way that is possible is getting people eSims.

The Israeli Occupation Forces have attacked wifi and cellular service over and over again, which stops people from being able to get information, be in touch with their families to let them know they’re alive, and for people to get the word out about bombings and conditions in Gaza. The several times that Israel/the IOF cut off all wireless and cellular service have been chilling and also provided sites where harsh damage, murder and atrocities could occur without media coverage, period, and by the heroic young citizen journalists whose social media accounts are some of the only ways that accurate, up-to-date news has been getting out of Gaza.

On October 29th, 2023, Egyptian writer and activist Mirna El Helbawi founded #ConnectingGaza to get eSims directly to people in Gaza, with updated information about which carrier is most needed.”

Go HERE to donate.

Life for Gaza appeal -the Gaza Municipality earnestly appeals for your support to help reinstate essential services, currently the foremost priority. In the northern regions of the Gaza Strip alone, over 500,000 individuals urgently require these services.

Where your donations will be directed:

  • – Water supply enhancement projects
  • – Maintenance of water wells
  • – Implementation of water desalination initiatives
  • – Management of waste collection and disposal systems
  • – Reconstruction of roads demolished during war
  • – Implementation of sewage water pumping and treatment schemes
  • – Execution of pest control and rodent eradication programs

Go HERE to donate.

Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) works for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees.

Learn more about their work HERE.

Donate to support them HERE.



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  1. Peter Breingan says:


  2. Chris Ballance says:

    Thanks Mike.
    I tried to donate to crips for eSims – and Visa flagged it up as potential fraud, and declined the payment and I’ve just spent the last 40 minutes getting the bank to unblock my card.
    Would that have happened with a donation to Friends of Israel, I wonder?

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