Jon Stewart & Bernie Sanders on Rebuilding Trust & Efficacy in the Government

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  1. Alan C says:

    I’m pleased I’m at an age where I will hopefully expire before Scotland gets ‘private healthcare’ The US have a lot of problems but the lack of healthcare tops them all.

    1. m. says:

      bit negative, depends who ye get at the time I think, like every other workplace there are good & bad folk in healthcare, I mind a doctor once advised me not too listen to doctors too much, or to trust some of what they said, rather than everything they said, hope that makes sense

      1. Derek Thomson says:


  2. SleepingDog says:

    These twa blunder about the vital topic of a Health-based politics without casting much light on the environment around them. Case in point: what happens to all these bioactive prescription drugs, whether flushed through or outside of human bodies?
    They say some reasonable and well-evidenced things, but they haven’t progressed nearly as much as, say, Shakespeare’s Timon of Athens, which is over 400 years old, based on vastly older stories. Corporations generating profits while degrading the living planet are not creating wealth, they’re destroying it.

    What they might be better doing, instead of burbling about ‘defending the forgotten man’, or a ‘bottom up’ approach amounting to ‘a family’s first thousand’, is analysing what their some of their opponents have that they don’t: the idea that Nature is governed (by God).

    Some writers have pointed out that indigenous North Americans, say, told stories about still being in the Creator’s garden (until European settlers arrived with their biowarfare and Christian doctrine about being cast out of their Creator’s garden), on which they developed some sort of Health-based politics, where they wouldn’t be poisoning rivers, clearcutting forests and wiping out species for profit, as the settlers did.

    So, wafting away the smoke of superstition, how does Nature govern itself on Planet Earth? And what should we learn from this?

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