Power, Politics and Possibility

Power, Politics and Possibility | Indra Adnan with Rachel Donald

“If politics is broken What’s the alternative?”

Indra Adnan is an author, political entrepreneur and psychosocial therapist. She’s also the founder of The Alternative UK political platform and a global consultant on soft power. For over twenty years, Indra has been writing, consulting, network-building and event-organising on the themes of future politics, conflict transformation, the role of the arts and integral thinking.

Listen to her interview with Rachel Donald here (and follow Planet Critical HERE).


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  1. Bob says:

    If you get £15 per hour whatever the weather, how many more £ per hour are required to get you to go to work for a firm? Quite a lot given you are being paid to do nothing. (and we know what it is empirically given that a living UBI is nothing more than a state pension from the age of 18 and we have data for people working after state pension age – as well as millions of data points from people who don’t work because they receive the state pension).

    Whereas with a Job Guarantee, a job is a job. There is no material difference between a £15 per hour JG job and a £15 per hour private job. Therefore the ‘dead loss’ of the reservation wage is eliminated from the macroeconomy, leading to lower prices and more output. And that’s before you get to the main MMT point that the JG sets the price anchor for the economy by determining how many units of currency you get for giving up an hour of your time.

    Ultimately it doesn’t matter what somebody does on the JG. JG jobs be green jobs, artists and musicians. But they can be sat there with their fingers on their lips if the state lacks imagination, which is remarkably cheap to implement. What matters is those individuals don’t get to consume their own work time, so that the £15 per hour private job remains attractive rather than the £25 or £30 per hour required to pull people away from their Xbox.

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