Backing Independent Media in Scotland

I hope that Bella has become a forum for a big, often difficult discussion, a space to promote ideas not shared in the mainstream, and a promoter of lots of peoples events and happenings. I hope you will support us for that, even if you don’t agree with us all the time.

But that’s not enough. We need to develop and not stand still. We need to diversify and develop our content and our output. So we’ve started a crowdfunding project for which I am aiming to raise £20,000.

We aim to sharpen and expand our content, if successful we’ll be holding writing workshops to help develop and encourage new writers, we’ll be supporting an expanding network of freelance writers, artists and journalists, as well as doing all the boring stuff behind the scenes like digital infrastructure, web hosting, domain and technical support. We’ve listened to what readers have told us in feedback from our survey in the New Year and we want to take the project on to the next stage.

I would love it if you could donate using the link below to access our project page. Any contribution large or small will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.

Backing Bella Caledonia 2025:

If you can’t give please share among your friends and networks.



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