Michael Albert Preview – for Doc8 Glasgow

Glasgow and Scotland has a considerable scoop in organising for Michael Albert to speak as part of the Doc 8 festival. Albert formed with Robin Hahnel the idea of PARECON (participatory economics) as part of his vision to start ‘Realizing Hope: Life beyond Capitalism’ (2006). He is the co-founder of Z magazine and South End Press, a book collective which has published Chomsky, bell hooks, Arunhdati Roy and others since 1977.

Michael Albert will talk at RiB part of Doc 8:

Friday 29th October; Michael Albert talks about “Life after Capitalism ” vision and strategy for a participatory economy; and “Organising – strategy for the anti-capitalist movement.”

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  1. Doonhamer says:

    I am beginning to think I have entered a parallel universe with this site. Things are discussed that I never hear of elsewhere in the Scottish media. What is Doc 8? Who is Michael Albert? Why is this such a scoop? What is a little concerning is that article after article attracts no comments? Most popular blogs get hundreds. Should the nature of the articles be changed? The only ones that were at all popular recently were the ones on football (predictable) and Gaelic (partly because I took a confrontational stance). Who are these articles aimed at? What fields of human endeavour should you have studied to make sense of them? What sort of fresh thinking will the new Scotland have? I hear no people in my town talking about things like this. I do not hear them on the BBC (sorry, can’t get STV or Alba, but I do live in Alba). The articles are of an intellectual elevation that few can attain. Or is this the inner circle of thinkers that exclude the ordinary person, the movers and shakers, the exclusive elite, every bit as elite and exclusive as the Oxbridge elite which you claim to detest? Just a thought.

  2. Doonhamer – your concern about our comments is touching.

    We are sorry we have published things you haven’t heard of before and promise to only publish articles relating to the tv schedule of BBC Scotland. Expect posts about River City, Strictly Come Dancing and Springwatch from now on.

  3. J McIllaney says:

    I love the idea of complaining about a website telling you things you didn’t already know! That’s classic. I love the mad mix that is Bella.

  4. Vronsky says:

    I visit BellaCaledonia precisely because it deals with matter seldom discussed elsewhere. I note Carmelo Ruiz among the links: same there. I think I saw Club Orlov linked from here: it’s another one you should look at.

    There’s a reason, you know, why some things are not mentioned on the BBC….

    This is a little island of sanity – keep it up, Bella.

  5. Sally says:

    I am an “ordinary” person and I read this website regularly, although I never make any comments (except this once). I think I am intelligent enough to make sense of it and the subject matter is not that strange.

  6. Seon says:

    I certainly found this interesting and didn’t realise Albert was coming north to speak.

    Long live Bella!

  7. Doonhamer says:

    Amazing! Seriously, what subjects did you graduate in? I am afraid Doc8 does not make it out of the Central Belt. Still, handy for all you guys living in Hillhead and Hyndland. But you fall into the classic error of assuming anyone who thinks differently is both stupid and ignorant. (Clue: note the spelling, there is no spellcheck). Instead of communicating, you ridicule and attack. You are being smug. How can I learn if you do not answer my questions? Is this a website for Marxist Nationalists? Do you only read material which confirms your prejudices? Can you not enter into dialogue with a seeker of knowledge? Of course classic Marxist dialectic consists of destroying opponents rather than accomodating their views. No Hegelian discourse there.
    It would be worth youse all getting out of Glasgow now and again, heading a little south, just to see what life is like in real Scotland ie not Glasburgh or the Gaidhlteachd. Now I hope I spelled that correctly. Tocasaig, please advise with correct spelling if wrong. As to watching River City, have never seen it, as for many years BBC Scotland was not available in this part of Scotchland. How many of you know what a Doonhamer is? No cheating now, no looking up Google. How many of you have been to the land of doonhamers?

  8. bellacaledonia says:

    As you can see from our contributors page – we live all over the place: Dumfries, Fife, Edinburgh, Dundee, Dorset, Glasgow, Stirling, London …

    I dont think anyones attacking you – just defending our right to publish something about an event coming up in Glasgow.

    1. Doonhamer says:

      I feel under attack. Mind you I am being combative because it is cognitively worthwhile. Seriously, I cannot get a handle on on where you are with this. It seems very mixed up. Tracked Michael Albert down and his book Parecon. Not terribly well written, and I think of appeal only to those who agreed with him already. Full of aspirations but no concrete routes to achieving those aspirations. Keeps funny friends too. Alexander Cockburn who is chummy with Christopher Hitchens. Now he IS scary. At least some comments were forthcoming after I started. Your lastest two articles will draw no comment from me for they are written from a reasonable viewpoint. Although, having said that, the Jock Tamson’s Bairns thing, we suffer from a self delusion. Not true, not real. Many areas of Scotland suffer levels of violence, brutality and unkindness of Scot on Scot that are unacceptable and give the lie to JTB hypothesis. Scotland would do better if it were grounded in realism of what it is for then we could decide what we could be. What we are is human. Are there any countries apart N Korea and Cuba that have such a left leaning political weighting? Even Venezuela has a right wing. Is this a good thing for Scotland?

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